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Breaking: Quinnipiac University goes from alert level green to yellow

Quinnipiac has moved to normal campus status with additional containment measures following 10 positive COVID-19 cases in the last week.

Quinnipiac University updated the campus risk assessment from green to yellow following 10 new positive COVID-19 cases, the university announced in an alert email sent to students and faculty late last night.

The new confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 were confirmed amongst students throughout the past seven days, with six of those cases being discovered in just the past 48 hours.

According to the email, 2,608 coronavirus tests were administered in the past seven days, for a one-week positivity rate of 0.4 percent.

The university said that all but one of the positive cases since testing began on Aug. 5, occurred in students who were living off-campus. In total, 14,104 tests have been completed, and there have been 11 confirmed positive results, including the students who tested positive in the past week.

“All students testing positive are currently isolating, and the Student Health Services team has been communicating with these students to monitor their health and to deliver food and other items, as needed,” the university’s email read.

University officials urged students, staff and faculty to be alert and responsive to contact-tracers who may be trying to get in touch with them to warn them that they may have been exposed to the virus.

“Our contact tracing team has been identifying and reaching out to any confirmed contacts with the positive cases so they can be safely quarantined. Please be responsive to our contact tracers if you receive a call – the information gathered is critical to preventing the spread,” the email continued.

This story will be updated as new information is released.

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