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Halloween stores enter shopping season as holiday’s future unknown

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted nearly every yearly tradition in its path so far. Is Halloween next?

Spirit Halloween is welcoming in shoppers as we get closer to Halloween. However, this year, the holiday is surrounded with uncertainty. 

With COVID-19 cases in Connecticut currently rising, trick-or-treating may not live up to its usual numbers. The United States Census Bureau estimated 41 million children between the ages of five to 14 went door-to-door in 2019. Although trick-or-treating has not been officially shut down, many people seem to be weighing their options on celebrating the holiday. 

Spirit Halloween store manager Luana has noticed some differences in shopping this year. 

“I don’t think people are buying as many things,” Luana said. “I’m seeing a lot of people currently, just not buying things yet. They’re kind of window shopping.” 

Luana believes that there will be a turn out for Halloween this year, but it may look different than it has in years past. 

“From what I’ve heard people are having family over and trying to make something out of what Halloween is,” Luana said “They’re not necessarily having a party or trick-or-treating.” 

There are shoppers planning on going out, and they believe others will be celebrating Halloween as well. Hamden resident Mohanad Mahmood said he will be celebrating Halloween and believes it will be vital for all who do go out to follow guidelines. 

“People will definitely be doing their regular thing but it would be smart to take precautions and wear a mask,” Mahmood said. 

Spirit Halloween customers picking out accessories for their costumes (Credit: Yanni Tragellis)

Fellow Hamden resident Nelson Samboy will also be going out on Halloween. Samboy said he does see potential risk in the classic trick-or-treating regarding the spread of COVID-19,  but he still thinks the holiday should be celebrated. 

“People are going to get worried about taking candy from certain people but if everyone stays safe and wears a mask and stays six feet apart then I feel like everyone can have fun this year,” Samboy said. 

Nonetheless, Halloween will be affected by COVID-19 will be more transparent the closer Oct. 31 gets. Luana says no matter what Halloween looks like this year, the most important thing is that everyone has fun.

“I think they’re just trying to have fun with the situation we have,” Luana said.

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