Connecticut COVID-19 Hamden Latest Quinnipiac

Connecticut and Quinnipiac University cases continue to spike heading into “Halloweekend”

Talk about the worst possible timing.

Quinnipiac University has 75 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases, as of Oct. 30. That’s an increase of 74 cases from when the month started. 

That’s not even the scariest part — 19 of the 75 came in those last two days.

For the first time since testing started, the university had a weekly positivity rate above one percent. Quinnipiac currently has 45 students in isolation, and its risk-level meter is still at yellow.


For Connecticut as a whole, things aren’t much different. As of today, the state has a total of 70,446 positive COVID-19 cases, an increase of 1,319 from yesterday’s update.

COVID-19 related hospitalizations and deaths are increasing as well, according to the state’s COVID-19 portal. Hospitalizations increased by 12 up to 321, and deaths have increased by five up to 4,609.

Hamden has seen an increase itself, as it has a daily rate of 10.2 positive cases per 100,000 population by town, according to the town map.

And to make matters worse, Halloween weekend is here. The weekend, often referred to as “Halloweekend,” comes after an already terrible month in terms of case-spiking. That said, Quinnipiac’s future may be decided by this weekend.

Administration members urged students to skip the usual traditions and parties this weekend, but it remains to be seen if the students will listen.

“As Halloween approaches this weekend, we have an opportunity to reverse this trend,” Dean of Communications Chris Roush said in an email to students. “I know you have sacrificed a lot already, but please be responsible and forgo that party or group gathering you may usually attend, remain on campus rather than traveling home or away, and keep as much activity limited to your Bobcat family unit as possible.”

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