Popular food truck The Wright Way Burgers and BBQ sees success after opening its storefront on 3835 Whitney Ave. in early October.
Category: Feature
To read the full story with all multimedia elements, click here: https://qu-journalism-anchor-health.shorthandstories.com/anchor-health-is-a-safe-haven-amongst-obstacles-for-lgbtq-healthcare/index.html The Anchor Health Initiative started in a supply closet. Patricia Chadwick, A.C. Demidont, Jean Doyen de Montaillou and David Grimes founded Anchor Health on May 4, 2016, — which provides non-discriminatory healthcare to the LGBTQ+ community. They found the resources for LGBTQ+ health…
Despite having to balance her family life and enduring criticism, Democrat Lauren Garrett is seeking re-election on Nov. 8 as residents in her Connecticut town worry about property taxes and crime
Paint Hamden Pink held its annual kickoff event on Sept. 27 at Hamden Town Center Park, which was highlighted by four guest speakers.
The holiday season is about giving, especially to those in need. Many organizations try to answer this call year-round, giving donations ranging from food to toys. One local organization, Connecticut Foodshare, answers this call with programs like their mobile food pantry. The nonprofit has lots of responsibilities including, forming programs to get food to those…
Hamden residents were out yesterday casting their votes for new community leaders. Voters also had the opportunity to approve new legislation, such as the revised town Charter.
Residents and furry friends celebrate a wicked evening on the streets of Hamden as they participate in Halloween festivities on Monday, Oct. 31, 2022.
The town of Hamden is home to many restaurants, whether it is a large establishment like Eli’s on Whitney or a startup like Sweet Tooth Skewers, there is always room for small places to grab a bite and Grab and Go Empanadas on Wheeler St. is no exception. Grab and Go Empanadas opened in August…
Touting a three-term resume that includes successful efforts to enact telecommunications rights for the incarcerated, paid family medical leave and $15 minimum wage, Rep. Josh Elliott is vying for two more years as a Hamden state representative. Elliott, who has represented the 88th district since 2017, is on the ballot for the Nov. 8, Connecticut…
Mike Pace began his involvement within the town of Hamden over 20 years ago, establishing his chiropractic and acupuncture practice in the area. After noticing a steady increase in community issues throughout the years, he decided to place his name on the Connecticut General Election ballot. “I might be in the right place at the…