What we are watching this week …


By Owen Kinglsey

President Donald Trump will attend his first United Nations meeting this Tuesday, since taking office and many are concerned as to how he will interact with other members and what type of impression he will leave. Trump will have the opportunity to meet and talk with many of the world’s most influential politicians and diplomats, many of which will try to create a relationship with who is considered to be one of the most unusual and unconventional world leaders in recent memory.

One of the main points of interest that will be asked of Trump will be about his decisions earlier in the year to withdraw from both the International Agreements of free trade and climate change. Decisions that some are worried may alienate the president from discussions and future agreements with other world leaders.

Other topics and questions for the president will range from his role on global leadership to his tensions and comments regarding North Korea to the uncertainty of what he will do about former President Barack Obama’s nuclear agreement with Iran.  While Trump has received much criticism over his first few months as president, both domestic and foreign, this will be his opportunity to explain and defend his choices and plans as president thus far.

Students to stand up for DREAMers

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By Anna Sackel

QUnited, a club on campus that identifies themselves as a group that is “working to make Quinnipiac a safer and more inclusive campus,” is holding a vigil on Thursday to show support for undocumented citizens at Quinnipiac.

The vigil will happen at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday in front of the Carl Hanson student center. For more information about DACA and what the Quinnipiac community is doing in regards to this issue, check out our story here.


the race to pass a state budget 

By Anna Sackel

The Connecticut General Assembly agreed on new Republican budget for the state. While Democrats control the Connecticut legislature, the Republican produced budget passed in a 77-73 vote early Saturday morning. Governor Dannel Malloy still may veto the budget, which would leave the state lawmakers scrambling to prevent major spending cuts.

Malloy, who is not seeking a third term as governor, said on Friday that he would veto the budget if no amendments were made. The budget that was passed would cause major changes to the department of education, including a cut to the money given to the University of Connecticut.

New whispers of bipartisan negotiations may lead to a new budget being passed, with education being a large part of debates. If no new budget is passed, Malloy should make a decision on whether or not to veto the budget in the coming week.