Photo by Shauna Golden
By Karli Regalbuto
Kathy Ross is a retired nurse from North Haven, Connecticut. She is a mother of six middle-aged children: four sons and two daughters.
She is an older woman and has noticeable wrinkles on her face and hands. Her hair is a shade of white and her skin is fair. Ross wears glasses and has light blue eyes. One may create their own idea of who Ross is just by looking at her. However, the conversation dove deeper into the life of Kathy Ross.
“I’m still working, part time, at Health Tracks and I exercise 6 days a week,” Ross said. “I love to swim. I grew up in Wilson, Connecticut, a very small town. And I trained in New York City at St. Vincent’s Hospital. And then when I was forty-ish, I decided I wanted to go back to school, so I went to the University of Hartford and got my undergraduate degree in psychology and then went to UConn and got a degree in adult education. Because I love education. I did most of my career in hospital infection control, St. James’ for 20 years and then I retired from the VA in 2003.”
When asked about what she considered to be her unique quality, Ross said her naturally curly hair. She followed up by saying, “I don’t know…I think I have a pretty good sense of humor. So yeah, I like people, I like what I do, and I have a very good life.”
Kathy briefly touched upon issues such as the hurricanes. She recalled the hurricanes during ‘her day’ by saying they were fun.
“What did I have to do?” she said. “Nothing. I was all taken care of and, you know, it was kind of scary, but I was very secure. Oh, I knew hurricanes when I was a girl, let me tell you. ”
She not only viewed the hurricanes in a positive light, but she also looked at the roads being paved in Hamden as a positive.
“It’s annoyed me…but in a good way,” she said. “It’s progress, it’s good. We get so used to having our own way and just being able to go where we want to go.”
Ross, the retired nurse, the mother of six and the positive woman. She is a human of Hamden.