Quinnipiac University men’s lacrosse team suspended
By Sarah Foley and Giuliana Grosso
Quinnipiac University announced on Sept. 23 that it was suspending the entire men’s lacrosse team pending further investigation into student conduct violations. This is not the first team incident under head coach Eric Fekete.
“This suspension, which takes effect immediately, prohibits all team activity, including practicing and representing the university in competitions,” Lynn Bushnell, vice president for public affairs, said. “With the well-being of our students being our top priority, the university has zero tolerance for any behavior that endangers any member of the university community.”
A week after the suspension here is what we know and don’t know.

The men’s lacrosse team has over a decade-long record of student conduct incidents ranging from player suspensions to recruiting players with criminal records.
According to the United States District of Connecticut Court, prior to the first day of competition in the fall 2008-2009 season, six players on the team were suspended after providing alcohol to minors at a party. Those players subsequently re-joined the team for the spring season.
Court records also state that in the fall of 2008, Storm Stockstill of Jupiter, Florida, accepted an athletic scholarship from Quinnipiac University to play on the men’s lacrosse team. Approximately three months after the offer, he was arrested and charged with aggravated stalking of a minor – a second degree felony that could result in imprisonment for up to five years – and battery.
According to the United States District of Connecticut Court, Stockstill admitted to police that he and a fellow student at Jupiter High School “fake raped” a younger male student in the gym locker room. Stockstill testified that the incident occurred over the course of three days, and that other students and coaches observed and laughed.
Quinnipiac later rescinded Stockstill’s acceptance for the spring 2010 semester. As a result, Stockstill attempted to file a lawsuit against the university, but it was denied.
Less than two weeks after the team’s recent suspension, head coach Eric Fekete was fired. According to the Quinnipiac Chronicle, Assistant Coach Mason Poli will act as the interim coach. The university also announced that the entire team will remain suspended until December 31, 2018.
Vice president for public affairs Lynn Bushnell said that in addition to the extended team suspension, “Disciplinary action has been handed down to individual student athletes on the team.”
Quinnipiac’s Athletic Director, Greg Amodio, has not issued any statements regarding the recent conduct violations and university spokesman, John Morgan, declined further comment on Sept. 24, regarding the specific allegations involved.
In light of the current incident with the men’s lacrosse team, Quinnipiac students are taking measures to prevent and raise awareness about hazing. Last week was National Hazing Prevention Week and Quinnipiac student organizations such as sports teams and greek life participate in activities that raise awareness about the dangers of hazing college students.
The length of the suspension and investigation are not known at this time.