Sept. 23 marked the first day of fall and with the recent reopening of the Sleeping Giant State Park, many Quinnipiac students and nearby residents are back hiking.
“The campus is a lot more lively now, it’s not as humid so people are enjoying the time outside a little more,” senior, Mike Reiley said.
Sleeping Giant State Park closed in May 2018 after a Tornado swept across the area. Despite the devastation, hundreds of trees still have a home on the Sleeping Giant.

View of Sleeping Giant State Park from the Quinnipiac quad on the Mount Carmel Campus

Devastation has cleared following the May 2018 tornado
“Sleeping Giant in the fall, there is nothing like it,” Reiley said. “I mean you see the colors changing and all the foliage coming in, it’s just tremendous.”
With the fall season here, many students look forward to hiking the sleeping giant.
“I have not yet hiked the Sleeping Giant in the fall, definitely on my bucket list,” senior, Jack Main said.
The park is open everyday from 8 a.m. until sunset.