Local Hamden police officer Devin Eaton was fired following his arrested on Wednesday evening. Eaton was charged with first degree assault and reckless endangerment. This news follows an incident from April where Eaton shot two unarmed citizens in New Haven, one of the citizens was injured. There were 13 shots fired at these two individuals while they remained in their car. The Hamden Action Now organization was outside the police station protesting that Eaton be fired following the situations and there were many age ranges attending. Of those speaking, many college students spoke out about their views on Eaton and how he was unfit to handle dangerous situations after the man he shot was unarmed and was showing mercy with his hands raised prior to being fired at. Protestors said that they were planning on going straight to the mayor and if they didn’t hear back, they would continue to push for answers. These protestors marched throughout the streets and their numbers grew as the day went on. Even in the rain and bad weather, there were a lot of people out trying to make a difference. This action will continue to lead to change within the Hamden and New Haven communities as they have been active in other cases prior to officer Eaton.