With the Hamden mayoral 2019 election between Democratic Mayor Curt Leng and Republican Jay Kaye taking place tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 5, voters will also be asked to vote for district council members, the legislative council at large and the board of education. Vera Morrison is running unopposed for town clerk.
The voting polls will be open between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. at various locations. The map below displays the voting locations and addresses of each district; you can also look up your voter registration here. For those who haven’t registered yet, you can do so tomorrow during the hours the polls are open at the Registrar of Voters office located at 2750 Dixwell Ave. Quinnipiac students can register only with a photo ID and evidence of address.
Take a look below for a list of the possible Democratic and Republican district council members with a description following each one.
Legislative District 1 – Ballot

Legislative District 2 – Ballot

Legislative District 3 – Ballot

Legislative District 4 – Ballot

Legislative District 5 – Ballot

Legislative District 6 – Ballot

Legislative District 7 – Ballot

Legislative District 8 – Ballot

Legislative District 9 – Ballot