Funcles Cafe will be the new establishment replacing B&D Deli on Whitney Ave. in Hamden. The Cafe is set to open this April.

Dan Jablon, a kitchen manager in Milford, is set to open up his new restaurant, Funcles Cafe, in April.
The restaurant will replace B&D Deli Works, which was a popular deli in Hamden for several years.
Dan Jablon, co-owner of Funcles currently works as a kitchen manager at Bowlero in Milford. Jablon does catering for the parties and manages the employees. He believes this experience will help him manage Funcles as well.
“I’ve been around food my whole life,” Jablon said. “I’m looking forward to doing something for myself that is more upscale and has a smaller menu.”
The move from Milford into Hamden to begin his own business was an easy decision for Jablon.
“The first day I came to check out the place so many people came to the door,” Jablon said. “There is so much foot traffic on Whitney Ave with people constantly coming in and out.”
Denis Marukovich, the other owner of Funcles is a head chef at Tarry Lodge in New Haven. Marukovich is familiar with upscale dining from managing the kitchen, but he has similar thoughts as his partner about the transition to Funcles.
“I’ve been cooking for a while and creating menus,” Marukovich said. The only difference is, I’m doing it for myself now, not somebody else.”
Jablon explained that the name “Funcles” came from a childhood nickname for the funniest person he knows, his uncle Keith. It also sets the tone for the type of atmosphere Jablon hopes to create.
“I have a lot of resources and I’m super grateful for my family,” Jablon said. “I want to be able to create a family vibe for people here.”
The biggest change Jablon explains is going to be the menu. It will be smaller and a third of it will consist of specials.
“We will have those typical items your older crowd would order,” Jablon said. “As well as things like a pickled chicken sandwich for the newer and younger crowd.”
A few things you can expect to see on the menu every day are a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich, breakfast burrito and a waffle omelet.
“Everything is going to be made in house,” said Jablon. “We will also have a section of grab and go foods so people can get in and out quickly in the morning.”
Additionally, Jablon and Marukovich will be offering CBD for their coffee and shakes.
“This is us in a nutshell,” Jablon said. “We are trying to be new and different. It turns heads just like our name.”

A look at the kitchen of the upcoming Funcles Cafe.
The freshness of the food and the cleanliness of the place is something that Jablon and Marukovich say they will focus on.
“I like everything clean,” said Jablon. “Even if it’s just an unfolded towel I will immediately fold it.”
Currently, the staff consists of Marukovich, Jablon, his friend Nick Simiola and two other people. Simiola will be Jablon’s front end person and work the register.
“I want to keep it small,” Jablon said. “That way, you know it’s people who want to help you out.”
Simiola is grateful for the opportunity and excited for his friend.
“When I found out Dan had the opportunity to open up a restaurant in Hamden I wanted to do anything I could to help,” Simiola said. “This place can be a gold mine if you know what you are doing.”
Knowing what to do and working together does not seem like it will be a problem for Jablon and Marukovich.
“I’ve known Dan for a while,” Marukovich said. “We have never had the pleasure of working together, but there’s a lot of trust between us.”
Funcles will be open Monday-Saturday from 6 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with fresh food and ready to go meals.