Quinnipiac University informed all students staying in on-campus housing to move out by March 18, due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus shutdown.There are, however, still some students prevented from returning home.
International students like Son Nguyen, a second year student from Vietnam, do not have the luxury of going home.
“I mean I’m pretty good right now. The school is giving food to everyone for free. They cleaned everything in my building.The only problem is, I only have a few toilet paper rolls left. I wish school would supply that,” said Nyguen.
Quinnipiac’s dining is open, offering free food to those stuck on campus.

What would normally be a bustling campus with dorms full of students is now home to but a few, who can’t return home. These few include international students. Photos by Son Nyguen.
“Public Safety doesn’t let anyone in if you are not on the list, which makes me feel safe. Otherwise, I feel comfortable living in this situation.”
“I just want to share my experience, and say that Quinnipiac is doing great,” said Nguyen.
Students still residing at the university will be moved to another area of campus, into one collective residence hall. “By moving students to one area of campus, the university is best positioned to ensure student safety, while still complying with the CDC recommendations for social distancing and limiting large group interactions,” the Department of Residential Life said in an email.
“I can confidently say that Quinnipiac is handling this super well, especially compared to other colleges in the area,” said Mahlet Sugebo, an international student from Ethiopia who had also been prevented from returning home until just recently.
“They’ve provided as many necessities as they could, like food and toilet paper. The empty campus is eerie but the staff that you run into, like facilities and the guys over at QU dining, definitely help bring your spirits up,” said Sugebo.
Students on campus are recommended to pack immediately so the process of moving into a different residence hall will be, “efficient and simple.”
Students can expect more information about the relocation process, as well as regarding dining and health services, “in the coming days.”