By Owen Meech
Quinnipiac undergraduates made their voices heard Wednesday April, 10 as they selected the next group of leaders in the Student Government Association (SGA) elections.

Austin Calvo, President Elect and Luke Ahearn, Class of 2020 Senator
After a tight race, Austin Calvo was the biggest winner of the night, beating out Luke Ahearn to become the new SGA president. Calvo ran on a platform of transparency and advocacy, and vows to represent all students.
“I am prepared to fight for you and give you the Quinnipiac that you deserve,” Calvo said, addressing his constituents in his first interview as President Elect with Q30. “We deserve a Quinnipiac where we feel our experience and our opportunities reflect the price tag.”
Over 3000 students casted their votes from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday on Quinnipiac’s Do You QU system. Vice President for Public Relations and Marketing, Victoria Johnson, sent out a press release via email to share the election results with the Quinnipiac community just after 10:30 p.m.
“Student Government would like to thank all who participated in the election and encourages all students to find what they enjoy being involved in on campus during their time at Quinnipiac,” the statement read.
Making up the rest of the SGA executive board will be Vice President Elect Sophia Marshall, Vice President for Finance Elect Glenn Adams, Vice President for Student Experience Elect Esau Green, Vice President for Public Relations Elect Jamien Jean-Baptise, and Chief Justice Elect Lille Gaeta.
Quinnipiac students such as Ambar Mercedes, junior advertising major, say they are hopeful and eager to see what changes are brought about by the new group of elected leaders.
“I think a lot the leaders who the student body chose are going to really be able to represent us as students,” Mercedes said.
Other notable victories include Julia Suesser, Class of 2020 President, Meghan McNulty, Class of 2021 President, and Alec Williams, Class of 2022 President.
Below are the full results of the 2019 Student Government Elections:
2019-2020 Student Government Association Executive Board
President: Austin Calvo
Vice President: Sophia Marshall
Vice President for Finance: Glenn Adams
Vice President for Student Experience: Esau Greene
Vice President for Marketing and Public Relations: Jamien Jean-Baptiste
Judicial and Ethics Board
Chief Justice: Lille Gaeta
Justice: Matthew Forcino
Justice: Kyra Angileri
Justice: Mel Lugo
Specialized Representation Senators:
Multicultural and Idenity Senators: Sierra Cornelison and Tina Asfaw
International Student Senator: Mary Dudani
Health, Wellness & Accessibility Senator: Niamh Condon
Liberal Arts Senator: Jeremy Gustafson
Commuter Student Senator: Joshua Gorero
Student Athelete Senator: Natalie Alechko
Student Veteran Senator: Kathleen Lekko
Academic At-Large Senator: Paige Osborn
Class of 2020 Cabinet:
President: Julia Suesser
Vice President: Kelly Reynolds
Class Senator: Luke Ahearn
Class Senator: Julia Schade
Class Senator: Andy Stafa
Class Senator: Olivia Weardon
Class Senator: Vacant
Class Senator: Vacant
Class of 2021 Cabinet:
President: Meghan McNulty
Vice President: Max Mallinen
Class Senator: Olamide Gbotosho
Class Senator: Briana Wyman
Class Senator: Kaye Paddyfote
Class Senator: Evan Maione
Class Senator: Katrina Manzari
Class Senator: Victoria Fater
Class of 2022 Cabinet:
President: Alec Williams
Vice President: Drake Marchese
Class Senator: Rebecca Perez
Class Senator: Eric Kerr
Class Senator: Nick Ciampanelli
Class Senator: Alyssa Baker
Class Senator: Sheariah Stevens
Class Senator: Ja’Vielle “Jave” Foy