By Nhung An
Since 2017, Hamden has been trying to become more sustainable. First, by joining Sustainable CT with 400 other municipalities. With the financial and networking help of Sustainable CT, Hamden will have a set list of action plans in the spring of 2019.
Kathleen Schomaker, Hamden town’s energy efficiency coordinator, said that Hamden is pushing to limit food waste and recycling. There will be a separate bin for soft recyclable like clothing and bedding.
But for now, Hamden is still putting together the list of action to get going next year.
“We gotta get our ducks in a row first.”
Hamden is looking to be certified in 2019.
For members of Quinnipiac University, the road to sustainability is a long journey. In 2010, the College Sustainability Report Card gave Quinnipiac University a D. The school was graded based on administration, climate change and energy, food and recycling, green building, student involvement, transportation, endowment transparency, investment priorities, and shareholder engagement. Among these criteria, Quinnipiac failed at three, and got the highest grade of B in food and recycling.
Even in 2018, members of the Quinnipiac University can see that the school is not sustainable.
The solutions must start from recognizing the three R’s of recycling: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Once these issues are addressed, awareness is the next first step.
Some of the major issues include recycling, food and plastic waste.
Quinnipiac students are among the most proactive members on this journey to help QU recycle waste.
Quinnipiac International Student Association (ISA) helps donate food from Quinnipiac main cafeteria to local communities in Hamden.
Quinnipiac Student for Environmental Actions (QU SEA) raises awareness with “Weigh the Waste,” asking students to scrape the left over on their plate as they leave the cafeteria.
Tune into my podcast for the whole story.