Just Not Enough

As student demand for mental health services increases, Quinnipiac tries to keep up

By Dorah Labatte

At first, everything seemed fine. They were seeing each other consistently. It felt like things were really going somewhere and maybe someday he would be her boyfriend. The fall semester came to a close and the two said goodbye. She didn’t know it would be the last she would ever hear from him.

Spring semester began and she didn’t hear from him at all. He chose to no longer be a part of her life.

“Spring semester I was wildin’…I was going really hard. Partying really hard. It’s not ‘cause I was having fun, It was ‘cause I was sad,” Em said.

The sophomore college student at the time turned to alcohol and partying to treat her heartbreak. Instead of feeling better, she grew sadder over time. As a result, Em stopped going to class.

“I wasn’t talking to anyone. I was isolating myself and was sad that I was isolated … isolation from my roommates was the tipping point,” she said.

Em had a breakdown at her tipping point. Tears fell down her face and thoughts of guilt and shame filled her mind.

“I don’t remember the feeling of wanting to die then but I was really depressed,” she said.

Her roommates reported the incident to residential life. Soon after, Em began seeing a counselor at Quinnipiac’s health and wellness center.

“I think the counseling center was helpful in the fact that they were able to recognize that I needed help beyond what they could provide,” Em said. “If I went to the services alone I don’t think I would’ve been able to get that…being healthy again … from what I understand the counseling center is for short term problems.”


Quinnipiac University offers counseling services to students who experience any major changes in behavior and would like to seek treatment. But as the student population grows, the counseling center finds itself struggling to meet the demand.

As of November 3, with several weeks to go before the end of the semester, there were 596 new appointment requests from students. By contrast, at the end of fall semester in 2016, there were 570 new appointment requests. There has also been an increase in need for more frequent appointments. More students are requesting to be seen multiple times per week as opposed to weekly or bi-weekly.

In addition to university counseling services, students have established a group to provide peer support.

“Freshman year I failed out of the college I was going to and a lot of it was because of the depression I was experiencing,” said Ryan Freitas, vice president of Quinnipiac’s chapter of NAMI, the National Alliance of Mental Illness. NAMI estimates that 75 percent of mental health conditions begin by the age of 24.

Freitas, alongside NAMI President Peter Chlebogiannis, chartered NAMI on campus in January 2017 in hopes the club would act as a support group for students experiencing any mental illness.

“For me it’s really about creating an environment in a community … at least a place you can go where you at the very least know you’re not alone. I think the more people you have the better it becomes for everyone when people realize, you know, there are a lot of people, peers, going through the same stuff they are,”  Freitas said.

NAMI’s advisor, Kerry Patton, has been the director of counseling services at Quinnipiac since 2013. Patton has experienced the change in issues facing students at Quinnipiac over the last four years.

“The top 3 that we see…and this is what students report, are anxiety, depression and relationship issues,” Patton said. Depression used to be the primary one and then anxiety was second. That has shifted a bit and I think a lot of it is related to mobile devices and social media. This generation isn’t as active interpersonally.”

Patton said students’ worry about Instagram likes or being liked in general could be the reason anxiety has become the No. 1 issue the office of counseling services deals with.

Social anxiety disorder is the fear of being judged and/or humiliated by others. According to the National Comorbidity Survey, a U.S. poll on mental health, social anxiety disorder is the third most prevalent psychiatric disorder in Americans, following  depression and alcohol dependence. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) reported a study conducted by Gabrieli Lab using brain imaging to show how the behavior of people with social anxiety disorder behavior changes based on their view of images of people versus scenic images. The study found that patients responded more to images of people’s faces.

Quinnipiac students who suffer from social anxiety disorder see many faces every day. Residential students in particular may rely on on-campus counseling services to seek help in treating their anxiety. With the increase of students requesting services over the last two years, Quinnipiac’s counseling services have been struggling to accommodate students that request services.

“We have seen about a 35 percent increase in students requesting to be seen by our counselors, over 500 students,” said Courtney McKenna, the director of student affairs at Quinnipiac University.  

McKenna has worked at Quinnipiac since 2008. She started off in the Office of Campus Life then moved to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority life in 2014. In 2015, she started working in the Office of Student Affairs as a case manager, where she encountered many students who experienced a spectrum of mental illnesses.

Students who go to counseling do not fit a specific profile. However, a vast majority of students who request to see a counselor live on-campus and have a 3.0 grade point average or higher.



The International Association of Counseling Services, Inc.(IACS) recommends colleges/universities have a minimum of one full-time college counselor for every 1,500 students. For nine years, Quinnipiac employed five full-time counselors. The ratio at QU from 2008-2017 was one full-time college counselor to every 1,860 students. The  increasing demand of students requesting counseling services has forced the university to take action.

Monique Drucker, Quinnipiac’s vice president and dean of students, is committed to making sure the university meets the minimum recommendation.

“At one point we had one counselor who had resigned from Quinnipiac to open her private practice and we weren’t able to replace that position for a year and half …” Drucker said. “That was a matter of budget and finance … so we were down to four counselors. Last year in the fall, we were able to hire another counselor.We had a wait list, which we don’t like to have.”

Other nearby universities, such as Wesleyan University and Fairfield University, have a fraction of students compared to Quinnipiac, yet have a bigger counseling staff. Wesleyan University (WU) has 3,206 students and seven professional counseling services staff members and six student externs. WU has one full-time counselor for every 712 students. On the other end, University of Hartford has 6,737 students and five professional counseling services staff members and five practicum students. University of Hartford has one full-time counselor to every 1,684 students.

“We were just approved to add a part-time counselor which gets us closer … We’re still falling a bit short of our goal,”  Drucker said.

As of November 13, Quinnipiac’s counseling services had one full-time counselor for every 1,691 students. In order to meet the minimum recommendations set by IACS, Quinnipiac must hire one more full-time counselor. 

Budget and finance has been a hurdle for meeting student affairs’ goal. Drucker’s emergency proposal justified the immediate need for an additional counselor. As a result, counseling services welcomed a part-time hire. Hiring an additional full-time counselor must be done during the budget and personnel approval process next year. 

“We have therapists who can do outreach, who can do group therapy … but the fact is, they are every hour on the hour booked with students,” Drucker said. “I don’t have staff in that area to be able to utilize their knowledge, licensing and skill set to do the programming I’d want them to.”

Upcoming plans

Drucker, Patton and Mckenna have been working alongside Mark Thompson, executive vice president and provost, to design a plan that meets the needs of students in regards to counseling services.

“I think when we’re always putting out fires and just dealing with the thing that’s right in front of us we can’t step back to figure out what other things we could put in place to prevent things,” McKenna said. 

McKenna believes the university should work toward providing more preventative education. She added that the school has outgrown the current health and wellness center and it is time for a new building.

“There are no current plans to renovate it or expand it but it is something we need to look at,”  Thompson said.

Although Quinnipiac administration has not made any official plans to build a new space for a health and wellness center, they are working on adding more resources to counseling services.

“I don’t think the school ignores the prevalence of mental illness,” Em said.

Em said although counseling services did not work well for her during her sophomore year, she felt supported in her time of need.




Nightmares of finals weeks past

By Angela Varney

Screen Shot 2017-12-06 at 3.09.06 PM.png

Monday, Dec. 11 officially marks the beginning of finals week for Quinnipiac University students. While anxiety levels are running high as project deadlines, paper submissions and exam times quickly approach, students note it’s important to take a step back and laugh at the hilarity that ensues during this week that is notoriously rough for students. 

Some seniors at Quinnipiac took time to reflect on their previous finals weeks in college and shared a few traumatic, embarrassing, yet funny memories with us.

Senior health science major Danielle Rattotti outside of the library.

Senior health science major Danielle Rattotti outside of the library.

Danielle Rattotti, a senior health science major, was in the middle of studying for her organic chemistry final when the bottom half of her Starbucks coffee cup completely broke off, spilling coffee all over her computer – and her notes.

“I spent a good two hours drying all of my stuff under the hand dryer in the bathroom,” Rattotti said. “After that didn’t work, I ran down Bobcat Way, with my computer open, back to my dorm room to try and back it up on my hard drive … in the middle of winter with a coat soaked in coffee that was now freezing cold.”

Senior health science major Jennifer Wisniewski even drew a picture of praying hands on one of her final exams and scribbled, “Jesus is the answer,” next to it in a last-ditch effort to salvage her physics grade. 

Senior health science major Jen Wisniewski recalled her story in the library.

Senior health science major Jen Wisniewski recalled her story in the library.

“The teacher hated me and always called me up to the board to do problems because I never knew how to do them,” Wisniewski said. “So, on the final, we had to draw a lever with tension and gravity or something, and I obviously had no idea how to do that. So, I drew a picture of Jesus with his hands in prayer form and wrote, ‘Jesus is the answer,’ basically saying my prayers for that final because I totally bombed it.’” 

Wisniewski’s prayers were answered when she received a C-grade on the final, easily passing the rest of the course. 

“Hey, maybe he felt bad for me and liked the drawing, and Jesus helped me out,” she said. 

Samantha Masetti, yet another health science major seemingly plagued with bad luck during finals, described nearly missing one of her exams as “traumatic.” 

Sam Masetti drinking coffee as she described almost missing her final exam.

Sam Masetti drinking coffee as she described almost missing her final exam.

“Every finals week I’m stressed, but this one was the worst,” Masetti said. “I got home from the library at 1 a.m. from studying for another class because I thought I had the whole next day to study since the exam wasn’t until 3. Well, guess what was at 12 p.m. and not at 3? My exam. So, I rushed to campus, couldn’t find the room, got lost, FaceTimed someone in my class for directions and sat down at my desk at 11:56 a.m. Horrible.”

Political science major Camillo Lemos may have had the worst luck of all when his car broke down on the way to his art history final, which he was already late for. 

“I woke up at 9:30 a.m. Monday of finals week and was hanging out with my roommate Xavier. We started talking about whether or not I had many finals that week, which I thought started on Tuesday for me. I was wrong,” Lemos said. “So now it’s 9:45 a.m., and I’m barreling down the highway going 70 mph because my art history final started about an hour and a half ago. Then, my car breaks down because there was no oil in it.”

Lemos ended up leaving his car on the side of the highway with a note tucked under the windshield wiper reading, “please don’t tow this,” and then jumped into his roommate’s car and went to main campus. 

“I arrived at 10:10 a.m. to discover I’m the last one in the room. My professor has me sit next to her to take it, and she knows I’m stressing. I had to take a two-and-a-half-hour final in 30 minutes,” Lemos said. “I almost cried.” 

Quinnipiac announces new summer program in Warsaw

By Ryan Chichester

Quinnipiac University announced the availability of a new short summer school program in Warsaw, Poland last week. The 12-day program will run from July 9-21 at Kozminski University in Warsaw, and will include students from all around the world.


The program is called “Law and Business in the Globalizing World,” according to Kozminski’s academic website. It includes multiple business and law courses. There is also an official visit to three different Polish corporations, including Polsat, a commercial television station in Poland. Students are able to register for one or two courses, which will total as three credits and transfer back to Quinnipiac as a business elective.

Courses will be taught in English, and students are required to show proof of English proficiency upon submitting applications, which are due April 15. The cost of the program is 500 euros, or roughly $600. The price includes the actual program and the necessary course materials, daily lunches at the university, and social activities such as sightseeing tours and the company visits. 

Travel and housing are not included in the overall price, however the university encourages prospective students to seek room and board with Polish families near the school. According to Kozminski’s website, a number of families in the area have housed students in the past for no charge. Living with a family offers an opportunity to learn and embrace the Polish culture at a greater degree.

Students with any questions regarding the program should contact Quinnipiac representative Hanna Hejmonski at the Quinnipiac Central European Institute.


Allegations of sexual assault and harassment have sparked a much-needed discussion

By Erin Reilly

Ever since dozens of women accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault six weeks ago, there has been a steady flow of new allegations against the men of Hollywood and beyond. Now, at least 25 high-profile men have been accused.

While the highly publicized allegations have been centered on the entertainment industry, sexual assault and harassment are highly pervasive in our entire society.

“It could be, like, endemic to the culture of Hollywood, and in some ways it is, except that it’s endemic to all cultures,” Jennifer Sacco, the director of Quinnipiac’s Women’s and Gender Studies program, said.

Victims of sexual harassment are not limited to actresses. According to a survey from 2015, 1 in 3 women has been sexually harassed at work.

“Virtually, every adult woman I know has been sexually harassed at work,” Sacco said.

That includes Sacco. She said she was sexually harassed while working at a department store when she was in her 20s.

These actions and comments can have many negative effects on the victims.

“They can cause serious anxiety which prevents us from doing our jobs, from feeling safe, from doing what we need to or want to, and generally from flourishing. And they are normalized,” Melissa Kaplan, a Quinnipiac professor who teaches English and women’s and gender studies, said. “A cat-caller is only scary at all because we don’t know when one might follow us home. And a guy who aggressively pushes for sex wouldn’t make us so queasy if we felt 100 percent sure he’d listen if we said no.”

To raise awareness about these issues, an online movement was started where thousands of women have used “#MeToo” to share their own stories about sexual assault and harassment. On Sunday, Nov. 12, the movement took to the streets of Hollywood for the #MeToo Survivors March. Hundreds of people joined in to show their support.  

Credit: Cosmopolitan

Credit: Cosmopolitan

The #MeToo campaign and subsequent widespread discussion about sexual assault and harassment have allowed men to learn more about the issue.

“There are things to like and dislike about this #MeToo campaign, but I appreciate that it seems to be getting at a few basic things that I think are important for men—since they stand to benefit from a rape culture—to understand,” Kaplan said.

The movement has also had an educational effect on women.

Credit: Cosmopolitan 

Credit: Cosmopolitan 

“Women are afraid to react because they don’t want to be told they’re overreacting,” Zara Khan, a Quinnipiac senior and president of Women Empowered, said. “I think the ‘Me Too’ movement is a great way to educate others on what is considered sexual harassment by being able to read these raw personal stories.”

The allegations themselves against men like Harvey Weinstein have also had a positive impact.

“I do like the fact that so many women came forward so quickly and included really prominent women” Sacco said. “I think that was helpful. I really do.”

However, the movement has not been all positive. In some ways, it has highlighted some deeper issues.

“I think it’s great that women are joining forces to support each other. However, it’s saddening how many women had to come forward in order for there to be consequences,” Khan said. “It shouldn’t be her word against his. We need to take these women seriously as soon as they come forward instead of sweeping this under the rug.”

Victims are often not believed and when they are, the focus is sometimes entirely on them.

“One of the more valid critiques of the #MeToo trend is that it is focused, as these conversations so often are, on the survivors, rather than the perpetrators and enablers; that it asks women to bear their pain instead of asking men for reflection and accountability,” Kaplan said.

Sacco also noted that this may be a flaw in the movement.

“Why do we ask more of the victims? You know, why do they have to bear themselves again in some way in public for people to take this seriously?” Sacco said.

The tendency to focus on the victims rather than the perpetrators is one of the many underlying issues of sexual assault and harassment.

“I think the biggest issue behind sexual assault (and) harassment is that the victim is often blamed,” Khan said. “That she shouldn’t have worn that skirt or shouldn’t have drank so much. That a woman should change the way she dresses and behaves because then she is ‘asking for it.’”

Kaplan says that gendered violence is a problem that stems from “systemic sexism.” This leads to women being silenced and bystanders not speaking up about the abuse they know is happening.

Credit: Cosmopolitan 

Credit: Cosmopolitan 

“Women are taught to obscure the signs of our abuse, and our communities are taught to pretend they don’t know what’s really going on. Lie about our bruises. Claim we missed work because we had a cold. That we did poorly on an exam because we didn’t study,” Kaplan said. “Whether by pressuring women not to speak up in the first place or dismissing them when they do, the system insists that reports of gendered violence remain private rumor rather than public record.”

In order to combat this system, the #MeToo movement may be a good first step.

“Everyone needs to make this as vocal as possible because, collectively, maybe we could enforce some sort of change here,” Sacco said. 

The key is that this movement is finally acknowledging the problem.

“Making radical change means acknowledging and confronting the injustices around us,” Kaplan said. “If we don’t acknowledge that something is a problem, we cannot transform it.”

Quinnipiac renames hockey arena and men’s locker room

By Julius Saporito

The sports center on York Hill has been going through some name changes over the past few months. This past weekend, Quinnipiac unveiled the new name for the hockey arena and the men’s ice hockey locker room.

The ice hockey arena was renamed after Frank Perrotti Jr., who passed away on December 10, 2016. Perotti is said to have been a loyal and devoted fan to the program, showing a lot of support over the years. Perrotti was a Hamden resident and also served his country in the U.S. Army.

In an article published by the Quinnipiac Chronicle, Donald Weinbach, the president of Development and Alumni Affairs, noted that Perotti was a “huge benefactor to the university.”

Frank Perrotti Jr.  Source: Legacy.com

Frank Perrotti Jr.

Source: Legacy.com

High Points Solution was the sponsor and had naming rights over the arena after they agreed to donate $1 million to Quinnipiac for the next five seasons. The contract was not renewed for this year.

The men’s ice hockey suite, also known as the locker room, was renamed after TJ Baudanza, who was important to Quinnipiac men’s ice hockey and the program’s growth.

TJ Baudanza  Source: Chapman Cole & Gleason

TJ Baudanza

Source: Chapman Cole & Gleason

Baudanza was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2011 and passed away in 2015. Baudanza’s father, Tony Baudanza, requested the program rename the team’s suite in his son’s memory.

The family had a lot of support behind them. Numerous people and some of Baudanza’s close friends came to honor his name and memory during the ceremony and suite reveal.

In an article written by Jamie Deloma, the associate director of social media at Quinnipiac, Baudanza’s father said, “We feel so honored to have his name there.”

Baudanza graduated from Quinnipiac in 2006 with a business degree in entrepreneurial studies. After he graduated, he contributed to the making of what we once knew as the TD Bank Sports Center.

Earlier this year, it was announced that TD Bank would no longer be the sponsor of the TD Bank Sports Center. The partnership between Quinnipiac and TD Bank began in 2007, but ended after the bank chose not to renew its contract.

Weinbach told the Quinnipiac Chronicle that for 14 months Quinnipiac had been “aggressively looking for either TD Bank to renew or for another corporate entity to put their name on the arenas.”

A lot of growth is still in the works for the rest of the sports teams and facilities at Quinnipiac, mainly on the Mount Carmel campus. Weinbach noted that the university is already pursuing some companies and individuals to put their names on the field hockey and soccer/lacrosse venues.

In March, the school signed an official partnership with Adidas. With newly updated facilities and Adidas supplying the school’s athletic program’s gear, there is an expectation that the teams will now be taken seriously by big-time schools. It’s all about growth and exposure for Quinnipiac.



Ready… or not?

A look into Connecticut’s hurricane preparedness

By Jenelle Cadigan

The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season has already proven to be extremely active and extremely dangerous. So far this year there have been 15 storms, 10 hurricanes and six major hurricanes (category 3 or stronger). These weather systems have resulted in more than 400 deaths, and more than $188 billion in damages. Connecticut has been spared the worst, but there is still a month to go in the season.

Connecticut's coastline (photo via Google Earth)

Connecticut’s coastline (photo via Google Earth)

On October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy tested the limits of Connecticut’s emergency preparedness programs. According to the National Weather Service, Sandy was a “worse-case scenario for storm surge for coastal regions.” By the time Sandy got to New Jersey, it was downgraded to a post-tropical cyclone, but the storm surge hit Connecticut right at high tide, causing massive amounts of flooding.

The Tropical Cyclone Report created by the National Hurricane Center reports that there was storm surge over nine feet in New Haven, resulting in floodwaters as high as six feet above ground level. Approximately 3,000 homes were damaged, and the state sustained more than $300 million in damages.

Five years later, is the state of Connecticut ready for another hurricane… or not?

Rick Fontana, Deputy Director of Emergency Operations - New Haven

Rick Fontana, Deputy Director of Emergency Operations – New Haven

“Our biggest fear in the city of New Haven is a hurricane,” says Rick Fontana, Deputy Director of Emergency Operations in New Haven. “It’s number one. It really is. We’re on the coast, and I think we’re pretty resilient, but when storm surge hits … that becomes a very significant issue.”

In the event of a hurricane, Fontana would work to develop strategies that will lessen the impact of a storm, plan and prepare for different types of storms, and help with the response to and recovery from a storm.

Fontana also serves as one of five regional coordinators in the state for emergency management. His job there is to communicate with the 30 towns in Connecticut’s Region 2 throughout an emergency, and relay information up to the state coordinators.

Quinnipiac’s Plan for Emergencies

Quinnipiac University, located in Hamden, Connecticut, falls under Region 2. Edgar Rodriguez is the chief of Public Safety and is also co-captain of the emergency management team at Quinnipiac. The team is made up of about a dozen members from various university departments, including public safety, facilities, health services, and academics. Rodriguez says the team has extensive plans when it comes to storms.

“We’ve come up with an emergency evacuation plan and we talk about if there’s a hurricane or a storm coming, what are we doing, how are we preparing for it,” Rodriguez says, adding that although the plans haven’t been approved by the state, they are still important to have.

When a storm comes, those plans get put into action.

The team begins a 24-hour-to-landfall. Members track the storm, gather information from the state and submit that information to Quinnipiac President John Lahey and Provost Mark Thompson, who ultimately decide whether students should stay at school or be sent home.

Once that decision is made, the emergency management team starts prepping all departments for landfall. Quinnipiac’s emergency management team only goes through the regional coordinators for assistance if it’s a minor, isolated emergency – such as power outages on one specific campus. In the case of an event as major as a hurricane, the protocol is to bypass the region and work directly with the state.

“The rule of thumb is every town or city should be able to sustain themselves for 72 hours,” Rodriguez says, explaining that Quinnipiac acts as its own sort of town for those 72 hours after landfall, with the emergency management team in charge. “Then after that, you start getting assistance from the state. But the entire time that’s happening, you’re communicating back and forth with the state.”

All the information goes up to the state emergency operations center in Hartford, is organized and then is sent out to the public.

“Every hour [the state is] sending us an update on the storm and we take that update and send it to everybody,” says Rodriguez. He feels that this system of organizing the information is a good way to keep consistency and keep everybody on the same page at a time when there could be a lot going on at once.

A building-Block Approach

Dan McElhinney, federal preparedness coordinator and national preparedness division director for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), explains that everyone takes a building-block approach for providing and receiving assistance after 72 hours.

“At some point [the town] may have to bring in mutual aid from surrounding communities,” McElhinney says. “When the mutual aid has been exhausted, they’ll ask for county level assistance, then they go to the state … then the state will declare a state of emergency. The governor then gets special powers to extend additional dollars to direct other state agencies to assist the local community. When the state no longer has the capacity, the governor will ask the president for an emergency or major disaster declaration. That’s when FEMA gets involved.”

FEMA's regions (photo via FEMA.gov)

FEMA’s regions (photo via FEMA.gov)

FEMA is divided into 10 regions, and McElhinney is in charge of FEMA Region 1, which includes all New England states. He says although FEMA can respond in numbers that would outweigh the state help 100-to-1, they are there to support, not to supplant.

“Basically under the Stafford Act, we pretty much have tasking authority over all the agencies and departments to assist the state in response and recovery,” McElhinney says. “We provide a lot of technical assistance, but we are not there to take over.”

Mandatory training

Not only does FEMA provide assistance in the aftermath, but it also provides training services. According to the Quinnipiac website, those who are on the emergency management team have to complete FEMA’s National Incident Management System training. This training is similar to the statewide Emergency Preparedness and Planning Initiative training exercises.

Map of Hurricane Maria on the monitor in the New Haven EOC

Map of Hurricane Maria on the monitor in the New Haven EOC

“The state of Connecticut has gotten very aggressive on keeping everyone prepared,” Rodriguez says. “Every year in October or November we do a drill. It’s mandatory for every town and every city through the state of Connecticut and the last few years have been some type of a hurricane.”

During the two-day statewide drill, state officials provide updates as if there were a real hurricane approaching. The state sends out maps of the storm and asks participants to respond to ongoing situations.

“You just lost all power in your town, what are you doing? You’ve got multiple trees that are down, what are you doing? Are you opening up a shelter? How are you transporting people? How much help do you have? Is the fire department on standby? And you have to keep reporting back and forth,” Rodriguez says.

Emergency operations center - New Haven

Emergency operations center – New Haven

The exercises are meant to be intense, but they’re also meant to replicate a real-life situation so that if and when a hurricane does hit, everyone is prepared. And apparently, you can never be too prepared.

“When a hurricane strikes, people kind of become complacent and never think it’s going to be as bad as it is. We’ve been fortunate, but … our departments on the preparedness level always scale one level higher than we normally would,” says Fontana. “We’re always prepared but we always prepare above and beyond because it’s easier for us to scale back than it is to scale up in the middle of a crisis.”

The training drills are mandatory for cities and towns that want to receive grant money in order to build resiliency in places along the shorelines or rebuild after a weather event occurs.

coastal resiliency and innovative thinking

Giovanni Zinn, city engineer - New Haven (photo via Yale.edu)

Giovanni Zinn, city engineer – New Haven (photo via Yale.edu)

Giovanni Zinn, an engineer for the City of New Haven, explains why that grant money is so important.

“There’s a lot more land now and it’s low lying land,” he says. “In the large storms we face two major threats: coastal storm surge, where water is piling up in the harbor and coming up the rivers, and large rain events of six, seven, eight, nine, 10 inches in a short period of time. Where does the water go? When you get both at the same time, you have a particularly bad problem. And there’s no getting around the laws of physics. There are certain situations where you can’t drain the city.”

Zinn says that coastal protection methods — seawalls, living shorelines and storm surge barriers that are employed in some areas of the state — are “extremely expensive” and put financial pressure on local communities. He also said he thinks that those preventative measures are “not really a priority” and the long-term thinking tends to be put on the back burner.

But Guilford town planner George Kral says that hard infrastructure like a seawall is actually discouraged by the state of Connecticut.

“The view is that it doesn’t really solve the problem, it just pushes the problem from one place to another,” Kral says, adding that if anything, the goal is to implement green infrastructure instead.

Towns like Guilford have already completed major projects to raise the lowest-lying roads above flood level, as part of the town’s coastal resiliency plan. According to the plan, “coastal resilience is the ability to resist, absorb, recover from, or adapt to coastal hazards such as sea level rise, increased flooding, and more frequent and intense storm surges.” Kral says the plan has two goals: to educate the public on the the importance of coastal resilience, and to suggest actions local governments could take to make themselves more resilient.

And Guilford isn’t the only place thinking about preventative measures.

David Kooris, Director of the Rebuild by Design and National Disaster Resilience programs (photo via CT.gov)

David Kooris, Director of the Rebuild by Design and National Disaster Resilience programs (photo via CT.gov)

David Kooris, the Director of the Rebuild By Design and National Disaster Resilience programs for the state Department of Housing, says that after Hurricane Sandy, the federal government reserved about a billion dollars in relief funding to be “competitively awarded to places that demonstrated a new way of recovery that better positioned them to be more resilient for future disasters.”

In 2012, the state of Connecticut had already received $160 million in federal disaster relief money, and was looking for more from the department of housing’s two competitions.

“Teams worked over the course of a few months and put together a proposal to the department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and to a jury of architects and urban planners to compete for portions of the discretionary funds,” Kooris says about the international Rebuild by Design program. “Seven out of the 10 were awarded funding – the largest being lower Manhattan at $330 million, and the smallest being Bridgeport and the State of Connecticut with $10 million.”

Based on the success of that first program, Kooris says HUD took another chunk of the Sandy money and created a new competition — this time at the national level — which became the National Disaster Resilience program. There were 68 eligible government entities (states, cities and counties) that could enter the competition, and 13 were awarded funding at the end – Connecticut coming in 9th place with $54 million.

Kooris says the purpose of competitively divvying the money up was to “move beyond the standard recovery funding through HUD and FEMA, which more than anything else is just rebuilding.” The programs forced cities and towns to work on disaster prevention, rather than disaster recovery.

“Rarely you get the type of project that is new infrastructure – not repairing what was damaged – and do so in a way that explicitly addresses social and economic vulnerabilities in addition to environmental vulnerabilities,” Kooris says.

Connecticut’s plan involved combining “grey and green approaches” as Kooris puts it, by using “traditional, hard engineered solutions combined with natural solutions that mimic the functions of the environment.” He says that the state is planning to raise roads, build berms and add other green infrastructure to mitigate flooding in Bridgeport, in addition to pinpointing other coastal locations with the greatest number of critical facilities — power plants, roads, hospitals, wastewater treatment — and putting the majority of the investments into protecting those places.

where connecticut stands now

Since Sandy, officials have had five years to revise and strengthen emergency weather response plans.

“We have developed an emergency operation plan that’s worked on on a daily basis,” Fontana says. “Our primary goals … are preparing our residents, making sure that they’re prepared for any type of a disaster and making sure our infrastructure is protected.”

If another hurricane hit tomorrow, there are mixed feelings on whether Connecticut would be ready.

“If it were some kind of extreme storm like a category 5, that is a whole ‘nother ball game. The impact would be severe,” Kral says about the town of Guilford. “Hopefully we’ve done a little better job in terms of planning, but that remains to be seen I guess. If we had 50 inches of rain, we’d have a lot of problems.”

Kooris acknowledges there are still some things that need to be worked on, but for the most part, he says he is “confident that we have implemented targeted infrastructure projects … that reduce risk from future storms.”

As far as Quinnipiac goes, Rodriguez admits “you’re never going to be 100 percent” prepared, but he is confident that the annual mandatory state training has everyone as prepared as they can be to respond.

And in New Haven, Fontana recognizes that a category 3 hurricane “would be devastation to the entire coast” but he is confident in his department, which he says “works every day” and “works hard.”

“We prepare all the time. We plan all the time. We don’t respond all the time, and we don’t recover all the time, but we’re confident that we have the necessary strategies in place to handle a hurricane,” Fontana says.

Adding to his confidence is the fact that FEMA recently awarded the city of New Haven a class 7 rating for flood preparedness and recovery – the highest rating available. Having this rating allows homes in the designated 100-year flood zone to get a 15 percent discount on flood insurance. “So I think that puts it in a nutshell.”

The most important thing through it all? Keeping the lines of communication open, Fontana says, at all times.

“Consistent, timely, good information. I always say, ‘Be first, be right.’”


Baker Dunleavy: Quinnipiac’s new prized possession

By Conor Roche

If the reports are true, then Quinnipiac’s men’s basketball’s new head coach is also the school’s highest-paid head coach…and he’s never been a head coach.

However, Baker Dunleavy, 35, does have the background of a basketball head coach. His father, Mike Sr., played in the NBA for 11 years and was also an NBA head coach for 17 years, spending two of those years as the Los Angeles Lakers head coach. He’s now the head coach at Tulane University.

“I was going to (my dad’s) practices watching the players, watching their footwork, watching them go through drills and trying to play them one-on-one after practice,” Dunleavy said. “But I wasn’t watching the coaching, the teaching, the little things that right now I wish I had access to. But just being around it, I think was a privilege and helped me a ton.”

Dunleavy’s brother, Mike Jr., is a 15-year NBA veteran that’s played for six teams.

Dunleavy was good enough to play basketball at the Division-I level. In fact, he played for Villanova University, one of the premier teams in college basketball from 2003-06. Even though he only played in 28 games in this three-year career, former teammate Mike Nardi realized the importance Dunleavy had to the team.

“Within his role as one of the guys coming off the bench, (Dunleavy) always knew what we were doing as a team,” Nardi said. He always knew what the coaching staff was looking for. He did a great job at pushing guys at practice…He knew what we were doing. Really good guy off the court. Smart, intelligent and great locker room leadership.”

Dunleavy didn’t have the same talent that his father and brother had to make it into the NBA, so he left basketball after graduation to work at Merrill Lynch. That only lasted until 2010, when he returned to his alma mater to work for his college head coach, Jay Wright, as the program’s director of basketball operations. After working his way up the program’s totem pole for a few years, Dunleavy became Wright’s right-hand man in 2013 when he was named the team’s associate head coach.

“Just the way our staff is and what coach Wright wants us to be is everyone pretty much has their hands on everything,” Nardi, who is now in his third-year on the coaching staff at Villanova, said on Dunleavy’s rise in the program. “Honestly, (Dunleavy’s) pedigree and his basketball-mind, he’s just very intelligent and knows the game very well. He has a calm demeanor about him that I think a lot of time helped coach Wright. You need someone that’s managing the game and helping you and see where the players heads are at.”

In his four years as associate head coach, Dunleavy’s Wildcats went 129-17 (.883) overall and 63-9 (.875) in Big East play. Dunleavy’s tenure as the Villanova associate head coach can be defined by one play. In 2016, the Wildcats won the national championship as Kris Jenkins made a three-pointer at the buzzer. The play is seen as one of the most iconic in college basketball history, if not sports history.

Dunleavy had a significant impact on the title, according to Nardi.

“I think (Dunleavy) was a great backbone for coach Wright and someone that he could always go to whether it be player relationships, recruiting, X’s and O’s, anything off the court with our guys,” Nardi said. “Baker was involved with everything, That’s why he’s where’s he’s at today. He was very prepared for this opportunity and he’s ready for it.”

On March 7, Quinnipiac relieved its 10-year men’s basketball head coach Tom Moore after the team went 10-21 in the 2016-17 season. Some of the early candidates for the job were coaches that had Quinnipiac ties like Iona assistant coach Jared Grasso, who played and coached for the Bobcats, and Southern Connecticut State head coach Scott Burrell, who was an assistant coach for the Bobcats for eight years.

However, DHR International, the search firm hired by Quinnipiac for the hiring process, keyed in on Dunleavy a couple of weeks after the national search began.

“I’d never seen the school, but I knew it had a really good reputation in terms of facilities. And that’s certainly the case,” Dunleavy said. “I knew it was a really good academic school, an up-and-coming academic school that was exploding in the northeast.”

Over the next week, reports surfaced that Quinnipiac was willing to pay nearly $800,000 per year to its next head coach, which is a rare number for a mid-major program and a near $300,000 increase that Moore reportedly got. Within a few days of that report coming out, it was announced that Dunleavy, who had two interviews with the school, would be the school’s next men’s basketball head coach.


“It’s never one thing. Just like a player looking to commit to a school, coaching’s the same way. You want to find the right fit,” Dunleavy said. “The environment that I was used to was a really well-rounded place…I thought that on the surface was a fit. Came to school, saw the place and was blown away but what it looked like…then by far the most important thing meeting the athletic director Greg Amodio and meeting Dr. (John L.) Lahey the president, and then from there on and continuing to meet other coaches and administrators.”

Well-known college basketball analysts Jay Bilas and Bill Raftery as well as two-time NBA Coach of the Year Mike D’Antoni praised the hire.

And if Dunleavy’s as good as advertised, then Quinnipiac is lucky to have him as multiple other schools were looking to hire him, according to Nardi, who is also a close friend of his.

“I think we all knew that day was coming much sooner than later,” Nardi said. “He was just waiting for the right fit and waiting for a job that he thought he could thrive in and be successful…Not to say that those other programs weren’t good positions or spots, but Baker just didn’t feel that at the time that was the right move for him.”

Nardi didn’t specify which schools had interest in Dunleavy, but a February 2017 Sports Illustrated article reported that Dunleavy turned down multiple jobs in 2016 to stay at Villanova.

In his two interviews with the school, Dunleavy discussed how to run the program and how it can take the next step.

“Now that we’re here, the next step is establishing an identity,” Dunleavy said. “My eventual goal for this program is to be a perennial contender in the MAAC. That’s the end-goal. You can’t get there right away. My job right now is to establish a culture, an identity, a style of play, recruit and develop the players I have right now and make them the best they can be.”

In establishing the identity of his team, Dunleavy wants the Bobcats to do the simple things really well.

“We talk about playing really hard first and just being an effort team. I think every team in the country talks about that, but who commits to it? And we want to be a team that plays together,” Dunleavy said.

The men’s basketball team is coming off of its third-straight losing season in conference play. To add to this, the team lost its top-two scorers from last season in Mikey Dixon and Peter Kiss due to transfer after Dunleavy was hired as the head coach. The team also lost five other players due to graduation or transfer.

It’s clear that the school wants Dunleavy to make the NCAA Tournament after Moore failed to do it in his 10-years at Quinnipiac. But both sides aren’t expecting that result to come right away.

Only time will tell if Quinnipiac managed its wealth properly in the former Merrill Lynch employee. 


Summit Learning: The new direction for Cheshire public schools

By Ariana Spinogatti 

The Summit Learning Platform is a free online program the Cheshire Public School District brought into the student curriculum this year. Summit Learning is centered on personalized learning and progress tracking for students. This program allows teachers to customize their instructions to fit student needs and build strong relationships between the teacher, student and his or her family.

Cheshire Public School Superintendent, Shawn Parkhurst, brought in Summit Learning for grades five, six and seven. As of now Cheshire Public Schools is the only district in Connecticut that is using the program. Historically, Summit Learning got together with Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, who helped get engineers to build the platform. This program was first used out of a charter school in California and some schools in Washington before going national.

The students from Cheshire access Summit via Google Chromebooks, however, you can access Summit through any computer or tablet. Cheshire does not use Summit full time for every student in every classroom.

   –Doolittle School located on 735 Cornwall Avenue in Cheshire uses Summit to help teach social studies and science. This school’s highest education level is the sixth grade. 

   –Chapman School located on 38 County Club Road in Cheshire used Summit to help teach science and math. This school’s highest education level is the sixth grade. 

   –Norton School located on 414 North Brooksvale Road in Cheshire uses Summit for all sixth grade subjects. On the school’s website they highlight technology as being an integral part of their learning environment. Norton uses Smartboards, Chromebooks, iPads and Google apps for student learning.  This school’s highest education level is the sixth grade. 

   –Highland School located on 490 Highland Avenue in Cheshire uses it for two out of the five sixth grade classes.

   –Dodd Middle School located on 1000 Park Place in Cheshire is just for seventh and eighth grade. Students are broken up into teams by color. The teal color is the only team who uses Summit, especially for math.

Some may argue that Summit is cutting edge and can be personalized to each students needs. Others may say it replaces the teacher role in the classroom and allows for students to have too much screen time. Another argument to investigate is what kind of school districts use Summit. Summit may be used in challenged school districts where achievement is not high. Some schools may offer this charter program for various students who need to do better by taking more responsibility of their learning and adapt skills to be more independent.

Parents in the Cheshire School District have voiced their concerns whether or not Summit is necessary and safe for their children.

One parent says his daughter at Dodd Middle School uses Summit for all her subjects.

“When I talked to the superintendent, who is really responsible for bringing Summit to the schools, he basically said last year in the spring of 2017 he brought it back to the school and talked to various teachers about who was interested about learning about the platform.”

This parent said that he doesn’t think there is a lot of data to support the claims that Summit is a successful program for student learning.

“The schools that are using it are not schools like Cheshire, who have good teachers on its own. I am still on the fence about Summit. I am trying to understand if we really need this yet. It is so new and for next year to potentially have the whole school district using it doesn’t make much sense.”

Summit is divided up into different pillars to how the education system works.

Image from Summit Learning Website

Image from Summit Learning Website

One is personalized learning time. Students work through various modules with learning objectives that has provided content so they can work at their own pace. The module will have notes, articles and YouTube videos  to help them study and understand the material before they take a quiz. To move onto the next section, the student must score at least 80 percent.

Two is mentoring time to help students set goals with a teacher at the school. On Summit the teacher can add or subtract material Summit uses and can even display their own material. Students are responsible to set goals for what they want to accomplish each day or week. This is a way for students to be responsible for their own learning.

Three is the classroom. This is part of the student education geared towards critical learning, complex thinking, project and presentation based learning. The material going on during computer time is supposed to correlate to what’s going on in the classroom setting led by the teacher.

Another parent expressed that she went to the schools informational sessions about Summit. She felt if this program was used properly it sounded worthwhile. She said that “personalized,” and “cognitive learning,” were common buzzwords the district would use to sell the program.

“My first concern was the advertisements,” she said. “A lot of the articles the students use have pop ups from third parties, like Web MD, which is concerning. The school district had to put an add blocker onto Summit. These kids are 10 and 11 and on the side of their articles there are links to other concerning topics.

This parent said that whenever she talks to someone in the community there is a different answer and a different opinion. She also said that she was shocked Shawn Parkhurst did not know that these articles were on the platform.

“The superintendent said he would go through each article to approve it appropriateness,” she said. “It is a concern they didn’t even realize this was a problem in the first place. It is a big waste of time that they have created all of this work for themselves since we had a good curriculum before. It was a mess about how the district put it out.”

Image from the document Parkhurst sent to families surrounding the myths and facts of Summit

Image from the document Parkhurst sent to families surrounding the myths and facts of Summit

Image from the document Parkhurst sent to families surrounding the myths and facts of Summit

Image from the document Parkhurst sent to families surrounding the myths and facts of Summit

Image from the document Parkhurst sent to families surrounding the myths and facts of Summit

Image from the document Parkhurst sent to families surrounding the myths and facts of Summit

Three parents said that their children have been complaining about the program, saying that it is too much information for them to handle. They said that this program has caused their children to be nervous about going to school in fear that they will not be able to keep up with their peers.

One mother said that she feels the overuse of screen time in the classroom is detrimental to her son’s development.

“Friends of mine who work in education and work with kids think these students are too young to work with this material and filter what is or is not important,” she said. “They need that face to face interaction with other students and their teacher. When kids are still developing socially and emotionally, still forming habits and commination, they need to see things first hand for their development.”

Shawn Parkhurst said he spoke with teachers in the district and has held information sessions with parents when he decided to bring Summit Learning into the Cheshire curriculum.

“We have had personalized learning as a strategic plan for the past 10 years,” he said. “We have had many teachers who are using Google classrooms and Chromebooks in previous years. We shared it with our team and they shared information about it when it was still at its building level. Teachers saw it as a way to enhance what they were doing and move forward. There was an application process to see if they have the minds and philosophy for this. There is also only development with that.”

When we asked Parkhurst how he felt the school should deal with concerned parents, he advises families to not rely on online research and work directly with their children.

Screen Shot 2017-11-02 at 12.45.15 PM.png

“Regarding the parents feedback, we have been transparent from the beginning that we will provide education night for parents,” he said. Any parent that has requested or reached out to us, we have met with them individually. We recommend that they go to the child itself and to their school instead of researching and finding general information online.”

On Nov. 6 there will be a board of education curriculum committee meeting on 29 Main Street at the board of education offices. The Summit Learning program will be one of the topics covered so attendees can ask questions and have a discussion.

Getting to know Melissa Kaplan

By Camila Costa 

Melissa Kaplan, Hamden resident and English professor at Quinnipiac University, contemplated putting her two children in private school after being told the school district was not good enough.


“I kind of second guessed myself and said ‘What are you doing?’ The whole point is not to run away, but to make the schools stronger themselves and to not participate in that problem, but actually do something about it,” said Kaplan.

Twelve years later, she is making changes to fix those problems and running as a democratic candidate for a four year term as an elected official in the Board of Education (BOE) in the upcoming elections, happening on Nov. 7.

Alongside making changes in the Hamden school district, she is changing the lives of many students at Quinnipiac University. 

About three years ago, Kaplan became the Associate Director of the Honors Program at Quinnipiac. Now she is the Interim Director of the program.

Since her move to the town, Kaplan has been actively involved in her children’s education as well as the greater Hamden school district.

Kaplan was sworn in on the BOE in September to fill in a seat that was recently vacated due to an unexpected resignation of another BOE member. She applied for the position with this letter of intent.

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Kaplan has always been political; she believes that teaching itself is political, and when it comes to the upcoming elections in Hamden, she believes anything is possible.

“I think one of the things we’ve learned from this past election is that there are no guarantees,” she said. “Hamden is a traditionally blue town and out of the nine districts, eight have traditionally been democratic, but it’s not to say that we don’t have a tough race ahead of us.” 

Although the elections are approaching soon, Kaplan has been actively involved with her political career outside of the race.

She recently took her ‘intersexual feminism ideology’ and her activist actions outside of the classroom in various ways.

She was involved with the BOE before running for the position, as well as being apart of other groups such as the Hamden Parent Supporting Education Excellence (SEE) and The Connecticut Parent-Teacher Association (PTA).

One of her duties, due to the current political situation, was ensuring the safety of transgender and non-binary students in the Hamden school district.

“You can’t cherry pick your issues,” said Kaplan. “If you are going to stand there and fight against sexism, that is intersexual, and so it’s also fighting homophobia, racism, classism and all the various classes of ‘isms’ that exist. So for me, advocacy was really very important.”

Kaplan has only been apart of the BOE for less than two months, however, she is very excited about it and looks forward to working on fixing issues within the community.

“[We are] Getting different initiatives passed and dealing with issues of diversity and inequality in our school system and also focusing right now on the state budget and funding and making sure that our students’ needs are taken care of,” she said.

Kaplan has had a voice in the Hamden community as well as within the Quinnipiac community, so she fights for those who do not but need their voices to be heard.

Although the BOE deals with different topics, one of Hamden’s biggest issues of the moment is the financial situation.

“We have a bunch of different committees, some of them deal with curriculum and policy. Others deal with finance, and that’s one I had a lot to learn about,” said Kaplan. “I think that’s also the most important one because we are dealing with a lot of budget cuts and so we need to find a way to make the most out of the little that we’re given.”

Jody Ian Goeler, the Hamden Superintendent of Schools, proposed this budget for the 2017-2018 school year.

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Other issues include special needs education and sexism within the school district.

“I think there needs to be initiatives to really provide equity and equal opportunities for students,” she said. “One of my projects also, I’m sure it’ll be met with some resistance, but I’d like to get rid of the sexist dress code.”

Kaplan is the newest member in the BOE and believes she has a lot to learn from her colleagues, who have connections and knowledge and are helping her fight her battles.

“It’s very humbling to be mentored by these people,” said Kaplan.

When it comes to balancing her schedule between the BOE and being a full-time employee at Quinnipiac, she laughs and says it is stressful, however, so far she has been able to manage.

“I think it’s kind of dealing with competing jobs in terms of my time,” she said. “But I think they are also complimentary as well – supporting students in the classroom and advising students, and then supporting students in my school district.”

Although she cannot be in two places at the same time, she makes time for both jobs and for all students she has been involved with, especially her students in the Honors Program at Quinnipiac.

“I absolutely love the students in the Honors Program and it’s a privilege to work with them,” Kaplan said. “As much as students have learned from me, I have learned from them as well.”

Kaplan sees many activist actions coming from her students at the university and she feels proud to think she might have had something to do with their initiative and courage.

“I’m always moved by their acts of activism,” she said. “It’s something as singular as a student coming out in class for the very first time – the courage, the bravery. Or students who create organizations on campus where they feel the need for something where the school isn’t perhaps feeling a need for them so they create that space and that arena for themselves.”

Another thing she loves about her students is their passion for knowledge.

“They are not there for the grade, they’re there to learn and what meaningful learning is something that not only just happens in the classroom, but it transcends,” said Kaplan.

Kaplan is also very passionate about creating a connection between her two jobs, therefore, creating a connection between Quinnipiac students and students from the Hamden school district.

In the past, students from the Honors Program at Quinnipiac have served as mentors for students at Hamden Middle School and Kaplan wants to expand this program.

“I would love to branch it out and have students outside of the Honors Program to mentor in the elementary schools and even the high schools,” said Kaplan.

Kaplan, whether she is working for the BOE or Quinnipiac, wants to maintain the relationship between Hamden schools and Quinnipiac and hopes that more students and faculty take initiative to make that happen.

Humans of Hamden: Kiku Jones

By Beverly Wakiaga


There’s a warm aura that surrounds Professor Kiku Jones. Her yellow top matched her warm personality on a grey Tuesday Morning. It is easy to see why she was one of the professors to receive a Center for Excellence Award.

“It’s absolutely amazing. I am so lucky to be able to do this and to get an award for it,” she said. “I can’t even process it. It’s just hard to say. I am absolutely blessed to do this.”

2017 has been a good year for Jones, she attended the award ceremony on October 19, she recently got tenure, and as a Kentucky basketball fan the recent changes to the Quinnipiac men’s basketball team have her excited.

“We were like ‘oh this is great, he’s (Baker Dunleavy) got basketball in his blood, it’s like a long line’ we were really excited,’ explained Jones. “We’re super excited and we’re definitely going to be at the basketball games.”

It’s been five years since Jones began teaching at Quinnipiac. She is originally from Kentucky but was teaching in Oklahoma before she made the move to the Northeast.

“We were there for nine years and everything in Oklahoma is kind of dead and flat. It was hot and nothing grew on the trees,” Jones said laughing. “My sons … we were driving and they said ‘Mom look, the trees are green’ and I thought that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. We love it here. We absolutely love it here.”

Jones, a professor of computer information systems, made the move to New England because she was interested in the School of Business IT for Good program. The Kentucky native is also very passionate about giving back, she is always part of the big event and has gone to Guatemala twice to help different organizations build websites. She also wants to show her students that they can work outside of their expected career paths.

“For the senior capstone I try to have different projects that are based on non-profits so that the students can see that their skill sets can be used in that way, and I want the students to really see that the skills that they’re doing don’t only have to benefit themselves,” Jones said.

It’s clear to see that Jones doesn’t only love her job but her students too. She describes herself as a behind-the-curtains person who wants to help build her students.

“I succeed when they succeed and that’s what makes me happy.”