Humans of Hamden: Jamien Jean-Baptiste

By Beverly Wakiaga

“Why are you intimidated by what makes me unique? Why are you intimidated if English isn’t the language I speak?”


There were some tough stories to hear this past Monday at the Your Voice, Our Quinnipiac event and there were also some tough questions to answer.

The questions were posed by freshman Jamien Jean-Baptiste in his spoken word piece. This wasn’t something that he got up and thought of on the spot, Jean-Baptiste spent the weekend immersing himself in learning about movements like Black Lives Matter in order to better prepare himself. He mentions that he would not have spoken for the right reasons at the event if he had not spoken to Tatyana Youssef, the student government association’s vice president for student experience.

“It enabled me to do a little research into the topic itself, step outside of my comfort zone and talk in front of an audience about something that people find uncomfortable,” Jean-Baptiste explained.

According to Jean-Baptiste he used rhyming to make it easier for people to follow what he was saying. Lines such as “power can provoke unity, power can uplift communities, power can dwindle the differences between you and me” accomplished Jean-Baptiste’s goal of portraying his subject matter in a unique and different angle than what most are used to.

“I feel that translating what we’re trying to do into different mediums like poetry or music, I feel like that can really hit people,” Jean-Baptiste said

Jean-Baptiste doesn’t just speak at SGA events, he is also a member of the organization as a representative for the class of 2021. The behavioral neuroscience major joined SGA because he wants to avoid being the student that complains but doesn’t do anything to change it.

“It’s a real privilege and it’s a real honor to just be able to make change,” Jean-Baptiste explained. “I really want to fight for the things that people want to change rather than just complaining about them.”

It has been less than two months since the new members took their position and the organization is already facing some difficulties, particularly after the same event Jean-Baptiste spoke at. After the general board meeting on October 25, some SGA members have pushed to begin the impeachment process of two members of the class of 2020 after questionable conduct at two different events. But this does not deter or waver Jean-Baptiste’s belief in the organization, in fact he “guarantees” that it will make history at Quinnipiac.

“I’m really happy I went to that voice series, and i’m really looking forward to attending more of those,” Jean-Baptiste said. “I really encourage that everyone try to make it to these events because it’s just so empowering and it made history because of what happened that night, and you could either be a part of that history or take an early nap. I really encourage everybody to come.”

Humans of Hamden: David Ives

By Beverly Wakiaga

David Ives is the executive director of the Albert Schweitzer Institute, also known as the white house on the corner of Mount Carmel Avenue and New Road.

Ives is also a Nobel Peace Prize nominee and has been teaching at Quinnipiac for 15 years as well as leading students to volunteer in different countries and attend Nobel Peace Summits since Jan. 2002.

David Ives in his office

David Ives in his office

“A friend of mine named Mohammad Elahee said he thinks that I brought the world to Quinnipiac and sent Quinnipiac students into it. So it’s something I’m proud about, ” Ives said.

This mission to bring Quinnipiac students to the world began 30 years ago when Ives was a Peace Corp volunteer in Costa Rica where he was measuring the height and weight of babies. During a visit to one family, he noticed that their daughter was having trouble breathing and decided that he would take her to the hospital. The only way to get to the hospital was through a boat that left at four am.

Excerpts of Letters from David

Excerpts of Letters from David

Ives said he would take the baby and pay if there were any charges. He remembers that the family was late getting to the boat and the captain threatened to leave without them, but Ives made it clear that he would throw the captain into the lake if he even tried to do it. The family got to the boat but they told him that the baby could not breathe. Ives tried to give her mouth to mouth resuscitation but he could not get any air into her lungs and half way across the bay, Ives says he felt her soul leave her body.

“I’ve never gotten over that since then,” Ives explained, “and that motivates me to do what I do, in terms of getting Quinnipiac students overseas.”

When he came back, he found that not too many people knew or seemed to care about people from other countries. Ives believes that we are all connected in one way or another regardless of where we live. Here at Quinnipiac, Ives tries to take students on a trip outside of their lived experience, he tries to ‘shock’ them by exposing them to different ways of life through living with host families.

Excerpts of Letters from David

Excerpts of Letters from David

According to Ives he has been criticized for not being academic enough but he has countered that by designing a program where the student goes to a particular area, ‘gets shocked,’ then comes back and takes a class that explains the nitty gritty of the situation in that particular country.

“There are academic aspects to the problem of the world but first you have to give a damn about them. I wanted to create a situation where people cared about other people around the world and then do the reasoning behind the poverty,” Ives explained.

Something else that has motivated Ives to continue his work is having had four different diseases. Polio, post polio syndrome, Guillain-Barre syndrome (a disorder in which the bodies immune system attacks the nervous system), and he is currently dealing with Parkinson’s. He has found that his own struggles help those in developing countries stop stigmatizing certain conditions. His selflessness and caring nature have led many students at Quinnipiac to love not only the work he does but who he is. One could say he has his own following, something he did not know.  

“I deeply care about students and I try not to be pretentious and I try to act human in classes, and I’m a storyteller,” Ives said. “I don’t lecture, and I’ve had real world experiences from having polio and recovering from that and to helping people learn to walk in other parts of the world.”

Ives describes the students as his ‘lifeblood,’ so much so that even though this is his final year at Quinnipiac, he will be back to teach courses on nobel laureates and Albert Schweitzer. To fill the time between his classes, there are endless possibilities, he may write a book, a play may be written about his life or he may win the Nobel Peace Prize.

“I was pretty excited, I don’t talk about it much but I don’t deny it either. I hope to get it one day but I am not holding my breath for it.” Ives said of his Nobel Peace Prize nomination.


Sunday storm hits Connecticut hard, numerous residence halls leaking

By Ayah Galal 

Strong winds, heavy rain and flash flooding impacted many towns and cities across Connecticut Sunday night.

Trees and power lines came down as a result of the severe weather, which came on the five year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy. Eversource Energy is reporting that over 139,000 customers in Connecticut did not have power as of 10:41 a.m. Monday. An additional 4,900 United Illuminating customers are without power, 507 of them are Hamden residents.

A map showing the number of Eversource Energy customers in Connecticut without power as of 10:47 a.m. Monday. 

A map showing the number of Eversource Energy customers in Connecticut without power as of 10:47 a.m. Monday. 

A map showing the number of United Illuminating customers in Connecticut without power as of 10:38 a.m. Monday. 

A map showing the number of United Illuminating customers in Connecticut without power as of 10:38 a.m. Monday. 

The storm debris created difficult driving conditions and many schools near Quinnipiac closed. Hamden, Cheshire and North Haven public schools closed Monday, according to WTNH.

Despite there being much debris on campus, Quinnipiac did not close or have a delay. Several residence halls have been leaking including Irma, Dana, Ledges, Perlroth and Larson on the Mount Carmel campus and Crescent on the York Hill Campus. The Athletic Center, School of Business and Arnold Bernhard Library are also leaking, according to the Department of Facilities.

A Facilities worker holds a bucket up to a leaking roof in the Dana Residence Hall. 

A Facilities worker holds a bucket up to a leaking roof in the Dana Residence Hall. 

The Hamden Fire Department responded to twenty-six storm related emergency calls overnight in Hamden.

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Hamden Police also responded to several transformer fires overnight, one happening on Whitney Avenue near Walgreens.

For more updates on the impact of the storm, follow HQ on Twitter @hq_press 

Ready… or not?

A look into Connecticut’s hurricane preparedness

By Jenelle Cadigan

The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season has already proven to be extremely active and extremely dangerous. So far this year there have been 15 storms, 10 hurricanes and six major hurricanes (category 3 or stronger). These weather systems have resulted in more than 400 deaths, and more than $188 billion in damages. Connecticut has been spared the worst, but there is still a month to go in the season.

Connecticut's coastline (photo via Google Earth)

Connecticut’s coastline (photo via Google Earth)

On October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy tested the limits of Connecticut’s emergency preparedness programs. According to the National Weather Service, Sandy was a “worse-case scenario for storm surge for coastal regions.” By the time Sandy got to New Jersey, it was downgraded to a post-tropical cyclone, but the storm surge hit Connecticut right at high tide, causing massive amounts of flooding.

The Tropical Cyclone Report created by the National Hurricane Center reports that there was storm surge over nine feet in New Haven, resulting in floodwaters as high as six feet above ground level. Approximately 3,000 homes were damaged, and the state sustained more than $300 million in damages.

Five years later, is the state of Connecticut ready for another hurricane… or not?

Rick Fontana, Deputy Director of Emergency Operations - New Haven

Rick Fontana, Deputy Director of Emergency Operations – New Haven

“Our biggest fear in the city of New Haven is a hurricane,” says Rick Fontana, Deputy Director of Emergency Operations in New Haven. “It’s number one. It really is. We’re on the coast, and I think we’re pretty resilient, but when storm surge hits … that becomes a very significant issue.”

In the event of a hurricane, Fontana would work to develop strategies that will lessen the impact of a storm, plan and prepare for different types of storms, and help with the response to and recovery from a storm.

Fontana also serves as one of five regional coordinators in the state for emergency management. His job there is to communicate with the 30 towns in Connecticut’s Region 2 throughout an emergency, and relay information up to the state coordinators.

Quinnipiac’s Plan for Emergencies

Quinnipiac University, located in Hamden, Connecticut, falls under Region 2. Edgar Rodriguez is the chief of Public Safety and is also co-captain of the emergency management team at Quinnipiac. The team is made up of about a dozen members from various university departments, including public safety, facilities, health services, and academics. Rodriguez says the team has extensive plans when it comes to storms.

“We’ve come up with an emergency evacuation plan and we talk about if there’s a hurricane or a storm coming, what are we doing, how are we preparing for it,” Rodriguez says, adding that although the plans haven’t been approved by the state, they are still important to have.

When a storm comes, those plans get put into action.

The team begins a 24-hour-to-landfall. Members track the storm, gather information from the state and submit that information to Quinnipiac President John Lahey and Provost Mark Thompson, who ultimately decide whether students should stay at school or be sent home.

Once that decision is made, the emergency management team starts prepping all departments for landfall. Quinnipiac’s emergency management team only goes through the regional coordinators for assistance if it’s a minor, isolated emergency – such as power outages on one specific campus. In the case of an event as major as a hurricane, the protocol is to bypass the region and work directly with the state.

“The rule of thumb is every town or city should be able to sustain themselves for 72 hours,” Rodriguez says, explaining that Quinnipiac acts as its own sort of town for those 72 hours after landfall, with the emergency management team in charge. “Then after that, you start getting assistance from the state. But the entire time that’s happening, you’re communicating back and forth with the state.”

All the information goes up to the state emergency operations center in Hartford, is organized and then is sent out to the public.

“Every hour [the state is] sending us an update on the storm and we take that update and send it to everybody,” says Rodriguez. He feels that this system of organizing the information is a good way to keep consistency and keep everybody on the same page at a time when there could be a lot going on at once.

A building-Block Approach

Dan McElhinney, federal preparedness coordinator and national preparedness division director for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), explains that everyone takes a building-block approach for providing and receiving assistance after 72 hours.

“At some point [the town] may have to bring in mutual aid from surrounding communities,” McElhinney says. “When the mutual aid has been exhausted, they’ll ask for county level assistance, then they go to the state … then the state will declare a state of emergency. The governor then gets special powers to extend additional dollars to direct other state agencies to assist the local community. When the state no longer has the capacity, the governor will ask the president for an emergency or major disaster declaration. That’s when FEMA gets involved.”

FEMA's regions (photo via

FEMA’s regions (photo via

FEMA is divided into 10 regions, and McElhinney is in charge of FEMA Region 1, which includes all New England states. He says although FEMA can respond in numbers that would outweigh the state help 100-to-1, they are there to support, not to supplant.

“Basically under the Stafford Act, we pretty much have tasking authority over all the agencies and departments to assist the state in response and recovery,” McElhinney says. “We provide a lot of technical assistance, but we are not there to take over.”

Mandatory training

Not only does FEMA provide assistance in the aftermath, but it also provides training services. According to the Quinnipiac website, those who are on the emergency management team have to complete FEMA’s National Incident Management System training. This training is similar to the statewide Emergency Preparedness and Planning Initiative training exercises.

Map of Hurricane Maria on the monitor in the New Haven EOC

Map of Hurricane Maria on the monitor in the New Haven EOC

“The state of Connecticut has gotten very aggressive on keeping everyone prepared,” Rodriguez says. “Every year in October or November we do a drill. It’s mandatory for every town and every city through the state of Connecticut and the last few years have been some type of a hurricane.”

During the two-day statewide drill, state officials provide updates as if there were a real hurricane approaching. The state sends out maps of the storm and asks participants to respond to ongoing situations.

“You just lost all power in your town, what are you doing? You’ve got multiple trees that are down, what are you doing? Are you opening up a shelter? How are you transporting people? How much help do you have? Is the fire department on standby? And you have to keep reporting back and forth,” Rodriguez says.

Emergency operations center - New Haven

Emergency operations center – New Haven

The exercises are meant to be intense, but they’re also meant to replicate a real-life situation so that if and when a hurricane does hit, everyone is prepared. And apparently, you can never be too prepared.

“When a hurricane strikes, people kind of become complacent and never think it’s going to be as bad as it is. We’ve been fortunate, but … our departments on the preparedness level always scale one level higher than we normally would,” says Fontana. “We’re always prepared but we always prepare above and beyond because it’s easier for us to scale back than it is to scale up in the middle of a crisis.”

The training drills are mandatory for cities and towns that want to receive grant money in order to build resiliency in places along the shorelines or rebuild after a weather event occurs.

coastal resiliency and innovative thinking

Giovanni Zinn, city engineer - New Haven (photo via

Giovanni Zinn, city engineer – New Haven (photo via

Giovanni Zinn, an engineer for the City of New Haven, explains why that grant money is so important.

“There’s a lot more land now and it’s low lying land,” he says. “In the large storms we face two major threats: coastal storm surge, where water is piling up in the harbor and coming up the rivers, and large rain events of six, seven, eight, nine, 10 inches in a short period of time. Where does the water go? When you get both at the same time, you have a particularly bad problem. And there’s no getting around the laws of physics. There are certain situations where you can’t drain the city.”

Zinn says that coastal protection methods — seawalls, living shorelines and storm surge barriers that are employed in some areas of the state — are “extremely expensive” and put financial pressure on local communities. He also said he thinks that those preventative measures are “not really a priority” and the long-term thinking tends to be put on the back burner.

But Guilford town planner George Kral says that hard infrastructure like a seawall is actually discouraged by the state of Connecticut.

“The view is that it doesn’t really solve the problem, it just pushes the problem from one place to another,” Kral says, adding that if anything, the goal is to implement green infrastructure instead.

Towns like Guilford have already completed major projects to raise the lowest-lying roads above flood level, as part of the town’s coastal resiliency plan. According to the plan, “coastal resilience is the ability to resist, absorb, recover from, or adapt to coastal hazards such as sea level rise, increased flooding, and more frequent and intense storm surges.” Kral says the plan has two goals: to educate the public on the the importance of coastal resilience, and to suggest actions local governments could take to make themselves more resilient.

And Guilford isn’t the only place thinking about preventative measures.

David Kooris, Director of the Rebuild by Design and National Disaster Resilience programs (photo via

David Kooris, Director of the Rebuild by Design and National Disaster Resilience programs (photo via

David Kooris, the Director of the Rebuild By Design and National Disaster Resilience programs for the state Department of Housing, says that after Hurricane Sandy, the federal government reserved about a billion dollars in relief funding to be “competitively awarded to places that demonstrated a new way of recovery that better positioned them to be more resilient for future disasters.”

In 2012, the state of Connecticut had already received $160 million in federal disaster relief money, and was looking for more from the department of housing’s two competitions.

“Teams worked over the course of a few months and put together a proposal to the department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and to a jury of architects and urban planners to compete for portions of the discretionary funds,” Kooris says about the international Rebuild by Design program. “Seven out of the 10 were awarded funding – the largest being lower Manhattan at $330 million, and the smallest being Bridgeport and the State of Connecticut with $10 million.”

Based on the success of that first program, Kooris says HUD took another chunk of the Sandy money and created a new competition — this time at the national level — which became the National Disaster Resilience program. There were 68 eligible government entities (states, cities and counties) that could enter the competition, and 13 were awarded funding at the end – Connecticut coming in 9th place with $54 million.

Kooris says the purpose of competitively divvying the money up was to “move beyond the standard recovery funding through HUD and FEMA, which more than anything else is just rebuilding.” The programs forced cities and towns to work on disaster prevention, rather than disaster recovery.

“Rarely you get the type of project that is new infrastructure – not repairing what was damaged – and do so in a way that explicitly addresses social and economic vulnerabilities in addition to environmental vulnerabilities,” Kooris says.

Connecticut’s plan involved combining “grey and green approaches” as Kooris puts it, by using “traditional, hard engineered solutions combined with natural solutions that mimic the functions of the environment.” He says that the state is planning to raise roads, build berms and add other green infrastructure to mitigate flooding in Bridgeport, in addition to pinpointing other coastal locations with the greatest number of critical facilities — power plants, roads, hospitals, wastewater treatment — and putting the majority of the investments into protecting those places.

where connecticut stands now

Since Sandy, officials have had five years to revise and strengthen emergency weather response plans.

“We have developed an emergency operation plan that’s worked on on a daily basis,” Fontana says. “Our primary goals … are preparing our residents, making sure that they’re prepared for any type of a disaster and making sure our infrastructure is protected.”

If another hurricane hit tomorrow, there are mixed feelings on whether Connecticut would be ready.

“If it were some kind of extreme storm like a category 5, that is a whole ‘nother ball game. The impact would be severe,” Kral says about the town of Guilford. “Hopefully we’ve done a little better job in terms of planning, but that remains to be seen I guess. If we had 50 inches of rain, we’d have a lot of problems.”

Kooris acknowledges there are still some things that need to be worked on, but for the most part, he says he is “confident that we have implemented targeted infrastructure projects … that reduce risk from future storms.”

As far as Quinnipiac goes, Rodriguez admits “you’re never going to be 100 percent” prepared, but he is confident that the annual mandatory state training has everyone as prepared as they can be to respond.

And in New Haven, Fontana recognizes that a category 3 hurricane “would be devastation to the entire coast” but he is confident in his department, which he says “works every day” and “works hard.”

“We prepare all the time. We plan all the time. We don’t respond all the time, and we don’t recover all the time, but we’re confident that we have the necessary strategies in place to handle a hurricane,” Fontana says.

Adding to his confidence is the fact that FEMA recently awarded the city of New Haven a class 7 rating for flood preparedness and recovery – the highest rating available. Having this rating allows homes in the designated 100-year flood zone to get a 15 percent discount on flood insurance. “So I think that puts it in a nutshell.”

The most important thing through it all? Keeping the lines of communication open, Fontana says, at all times.

“Consistent, timely, good information. I always say, ‘Be first, be right.’”


Coffee language among millennials

By Camila Costa

Have you ever gone to your local coffee shop and the barista knows your name and order by heart?

College students have this happen on a daily basis. On a chaotic schedule going from class, to internships, to extra curricular activities and staying up until 4 a.m., whether in the library or out in the bars, majority of those students rely on coffee to keep them awake.

“I drink coffee to stay awake mostly, and I also really like the taste of it,” said Catherine Healey, public relations major.

According to the American Association of Retired Persons, the average American drinks three cups of coffee per day, which translates to 83 percent of coffee drinkers not being able to imagine their life without their java. 

How Many Americans Drink Coffee?

How Many Americans Drink Coffee?

Dana White, Clinical Assistant Professor of Athletic Training and Sports Medicine, has been at Quinnipiac University for 10 years, working directly with students and athletes.

Throughout those years, she has often seen students with cups of coffee in her morning classes and informs her students and athletes to tweet about the dangers of abusing caffeine.

“I teach an 8 a.m. class and I’ll see everybody with their coffees so I’ll tweet it out ‘Coffee isn’t breakfast,’” said White.

The amount of caffeine in drinks varies, according to the National Institute of Health (NIH), but it is generally

  • An 8-ounce cup of coffee: 95-200 mg
  • A 12-ounce can of cola: 35-45 mg
  • An 8-ounce energy drink: 70-100 mg
  • An 8-ounce cup of tea: 14-60 mg

Starbucks offers six different sizes of coffee, each one with names that only regular customers know by heart

  • Short: 8 ounces
  • Tall: 12 ounces
  • Grande: 16 ounces
  • Venti Hot: 20 ounces
  • Venti Cold: 24 ounces
  • Trenta Cold: 31 ounces

White’s recommendation for coffee drinkers is that they should drink one coffee per day, however most people do not realize the different amounts of caffeine in different sizes of coffee.

“If you go get a ‘Venti,’ that is more than two cups of coffee, that is almost three cups of coffee,” she said. “So one cup might be multiple cups of coffee.”

Drinking too much caffeine, which is very common among college students, can lead to health problems, such as restlessness and shakiness, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, rapid or abnormal heart rhythm, dehydration, anxiety and dependency.

Studies have also shown that drinking more a larger amount of cups of coffee per day might have an impact on your GPA.

In a survey with more than 1,000 college students, it was shown that students who drank only one cup of coffee per day had a GPA of 3.41, compared to students who drank more than five cups a day had an average GPA of 3.28.

Although that are many risks about drinking coffee, there are also benefits to it.

According to Harvard’s School of Public Health, it may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, suicide risk, lower the chance of oral cancers and strokes.

Those statistics might be available to Millennials, however, majority of them do not care about it or choose to ignore it.

According to Bloomberg, Millennials count for 44 percent of U.S. coffee demand, an increase from 34 percent to 48 percent from 2008 to 2016.

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Millennials are increasing the demand of coffee in the country and an example of that is the opening of Starbucks on Quinnipiac’s Mount Carmel campus.

White does not think that this event will affect students drastically.

“I don’t know that it’s really going to do any more caffeine damage if it wasn’t here,” she said.

Other students, like marketing major Ryan Lawson, have been drinking a larger amount of coffee since the opening of the new Starbucks on campus.

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“I drink coffee every day, and sometimes more than once,” said Lawson as he got a Venti sized coffee at Starbucks.

Although Monday mornings aren’t as busy as expected, Starbucks on campus gets extremely crowded throughout the week.

“Usually in the mornings and around lunch time or early afternoon is when it is the most crowded,” said one worker.

Quinnipiac students have always been aware of the huge lines and waiting time at Au Bon Pain, in the first floor of the cafeteria. However, the workers have been seeing a difference.

“We’re definitely less busy since the Starbucks opened, but we still get a lot of students, mostly because of our sandwiches,” said a worker at Au Bon Pain.

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A misconception about coffee is that it gives people the energy they could be lacking of in the moment, however, White thinks this is one of the bigger issues about caffeine abuse.

“The real energy you are going to gain is from calories, and a cup of coffee only has about five calories. You can’t just drink coffee and not eat food,” said White.

The United States spends $40 billion on coffee each year, according to the National Coffee Association, with the average price of an espresso-based drink being $2.45 and the average price of a brewed cup of coffee at $1.38.

“I probably spend around $50 on coffee each month, maybe a little less,” said Anica Lazetic, psychology major at Quinnipiac.

Although Starbucks is considered an expensive coffee shop, the fact that Quinnipiac students can use their meal plan money is very helpful.

“It’s mandatory to pay for $200 for meal plan when you’re off campus, and since I’m always cooking at home, I have been spending mostly of my meal plan with coffee at Starbucks,” said Healey.

Although majority of the students think of coffee in a positive way, White believes there are some measures they need to take.

“I think most college students need to be eating better, sleeping more and calming down, so [coffee] can work against you if you take too much of it,” said White.

Quinnipiac versus Yale game scheduled for Thanksgiving recess

By Katherine Koretski

An uproar has taken place at Quinnipiac University, and it’s coming from all of the Bobcat hockey fans. The university’s longtime hockey rival, Yale University is set to play in Hamden on Saturday, Nov. 18. This is during the mandatory Thanksgiving vacation for Quinnipiac students.

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Students should not be discouraged until they know the outcome of the online ticket portal, which is known to be a high-intensity moment for most student fans. The Quinnipiac Bobcats’ ticket office releases a hyperlink to students that leads them to an online queue. From there, the student is prompted to generate a ticket for the game. Due to the popularity of the event, tickets go quickly. This also becomes an issue for some students due to the high traffic on the website, while using the same WiFi network.

This year, students will be sent a link in the evening of Nov. 5. According to Quinnipiac’s Assistant Director of Residential Life Mike Guthrie, students with a valid ticket will be able to file a late-stay request. They will be able to submit a plea to stay for the game taking place during the start of the break period. Requests must be made on the My Housing portal through the Quinnipiac student website, no later than Friday, Nov. 10. The late-stay request sign-up form will be released on Monday, Nov. 6.

A Quinnipiac issued ticket must be presented to one of the 20 volunteer resident assistants that are completing the room checks on Friday evening. The number on the ticket must match the student’s name that has requested to stay. Student’s will not be able to sell their tickets to others. That tactic has been popular amongst fans on campus in the past.

In a poll posted on HQ Press’s Twitter page, presented some potential results of involvement.


Some students might also be sticking around campus for the game set to take place on Friday night. The Quinnipiac Bobcats will be playing Brown University in Hamden. A late-stay request is also available to students with a valid Quinnipiac generated ticket. Students granted permission for just this game must be out of the dorms no later than noon on Friday.

Another event that could potentially impact attendance is happening right down the street. One of the biggest rivalries in Ivy League history will be held at the Yale Bowl in New Haven. The Harvard vs. Yale football game is set to take place on Saturday at 12:30 p.m.

According to Guthire, the Eastern College Athletic Conference, ECAC, had made the hockey schedule far in advance. No changes would be made due to the university’s recess. 


“My Culture is Not a Costume” campaign at Quinnipiac

By Dorah Labatte

The “my culture is not a costume” campaign was first introduced to Quinnipiac University in 2014 by the Department of Cultural and Global Engagement (DCGE.) The campaign was inspired by the “we’re a culture, not a costume” campaign by the Students Teaching About Racism in Society (STARS) student group at Ohio University. Some of the cultural costumes in the campaign include the Native American costume, Mexican costume, costumes involving black face, geisha costumes and gay/lesbian costumes. Many of these costumes are still sold at Halloween costume superstores like Party City and Spirit Halloween.

The campaign aims to raise awareness on cultural appropriation during Halloween in hopes students will stop buying these costumes.

Over the years, many universities in different states in the the nation have recreated the campaign on their campuses. The Quinnipiac “my culture is not a costume” campaign included costumes that mock those who suffer from a mental illness, in addition to those that mock races, religions and ethnicities.

Photo courtesy of Abbie O' Neill

Photo courtesy of Abbie O’ Neill

Quinnipiac’s Latino cultural society president, Kelsey Bombon, was involved in the campaign. Bombon held a photo of an individual in an anorexia costume.

“Once the photo was published I felt no one understood it,” said Bombon. She added that the campaign in 2016 was rushed and the photos were marketed too late.

“My freshmen year, when they did it for the first time, it was was more impactful because orientation leaders were a part of it…many people knew who the faces of the campaign were,” she said.

“It started as students holding images of costumes that are not appropriate. The view on it was one of three things. Either students walked by and knew nothing of it, they saw their friends in the images and made fun of them or students would see it and recognize that they couldn’t wear the costume but didn’t understand why,” said Abbie O’Neill, DCGE director of student engagement.

O’Neill said this year she aimed to make the campaign more active than passive. DCGE alongside the student government association hosted various events to provide a space for students to tell their stories and have a discussion about cultural appropriation. The most recent was “your voice at Quinnipiac” on Oct. 20 in the piazza, where students volunteered to tell their personal stories related to cultural appropriation and discussed with others why it is wrong.

“I feel like there are still people who have a lot to learn…there are people who are aware of the campaign but don’t understand the deeper meaning of ‘my culture is not a costume,” said Yadley Turnier, student leader on the multicultural council.

Turnier attended “your voice at Quinnipiac” where she participated in discussions about cultural appropriation during Halloween.

“It happens all year round, but we only notice it around Halloween,” said O’Neill. Students face bias related incidents and hate crimes throughout the year.

Megan Buda, Quinnipiac director of student conduct, said the data student affairs has in relation to bias-incident reports does not reflect an increase in inappropriate Halloween costumes.

“Don’t remember having any reported bias incidents related to Halloween costumes that was reported to us,” she added.

Although there isn’t an influx of reports during the Halloween holiday, there have been more reports on bias-related incidents over the years.

“I think there’s more conversation around it now than when we first started,” said O’Neill.

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“Bias, Harassment and Discrimination policy” is defined in the student handbook. If you experience or witness such actions taking place, report it to Quinnipiac’s office of student affairs.

Quinnipiac’s response to sexual assault news

By Jenelle Cadigan


After Harvey Weinstein, the 65-year-old American film producer and former film studio executive who allegedly sexually assaulted and raped multiple women, was fired, victims all over the world came forward with their stories.

Alyssa Milano, an American actress, activist, producer and former singer, started a trending hashtag that went international: #metoo.

Although not many Quinnipiac students opened up about their stories, they did react to the news and the resources available on campus.

Quinnipiac University provides multiple resources for victims of sexual assault and rape.

Confidential resources on campus include health services, counseling services and clergy. Any information shared with people in these departments is not required to be reported.

There are also “responsible employees” on campus – also known as mandated reporters – who are required to report incidents of sexual violence, harassment or discrimination to the university Title IX coordinator immediately. People in this category include all faculty, administration, athletic, human resources, public safety, student affairs and student paraprofessionals (resident assistants and orientation leaders while they are still under contract).

According to the student handbook, “prompt reporting of such incidents makes investigation of the incident more effective and enhances the ability of the university to take action on a complaint.”

Quinnipiac’s Title IX coordinator is Terri Johnson. The Deputy Title IX coordinator for incidents involving faculty, staff and vendors is Stephanie Mathews, and the Deputy Title IX coordinator for incidents involving students, visitors and persons who are not affiliated with Quinnipiac is Seann Kalagher.

If a victim wants to open up a Title IX investigation, they can choose to end the investigation at any point. The coordinators will only share information on a need-to-know basis throughout the investigation, but it’s important to note that these investigations can sometimes take a very long time – weeks or even months.

If a victim chooses to go to the health center, they can be tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia and given medication for both. The health center also provides plan-B medication. The health center will go over the options with the victim, should he or she want to report it to the Title IX coordinators or to the police, or go to the hospital.

The hospital can provide a few things that the health center can not– a rape kit, HIV testing and HIV post-exposure prophylaxis, which is medication taken so that the infection does not develop.

Christy Chase, director of student health services at Quinnipiac, is one of three sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE) that works in the health center. SANE nurses are registered nurses who have completed specialized courses related to medical forensic care of sexually assaulted or abused patients. She says the Title IX coordinators and police officers have a job to get information out of the victim as soon as possible, but she tries to shelter them from that.

“We’re very protective of the student in that moment,” Chase says. “Our first priority is finding out medically if this person is okay. That’s gotta be the first thing.”

Since the situation can be overwhelming, Chase tries to protect the privacy of the victims as much as possible.

“I don’t want it to become a circus with students and staff,” she says. “We need to keep the perimeter, and when I was on nightside I would almost throw people out of the waiting room.”

Chase says many students choose not to go to the health center because of the misconception that it will immediately start an investigation.

When it comes to sexual assault, investigations are only started when a victim goes to a non-confidential resource, and parents are only contacted by the health center if a student is transported to a medical facility by ambulance. But, health services does not have to say why the student was transported by ambulance.

Chase used to work in an emergency room as a sexual abuse examiner. She stresses the importance of getting a rape kit done, saying it’s vital to collect the evidence right now even if one doesn’t want to press any charges. If a person is to change their mind in the future, the hospital will be holding onto the kit.

The #metoo movement has empowered many victims to come forward, but Chase says if anyone feels triggered by the posts, confidential counseling services are a great resource as well.

“I don’t want there to be barriers for students to not come in and get the help that they need,” Chase says. “We don’t want them to be afraid.”

What we are watching this week …

Mayor’s Night Out

By Dorah Labatte

Hamden Mayor, Curt Balzano Leng will be hosting a “Mayor’s Night Out” event next Monday, Oct. 23. Mayor Leng will be available to citizens to informally discuss neighborhood and town wide issues. The goal of Mayors Night Out is to enrich the Mayor’s relationship with Hamden residents. The event will take place at the Board of Education Health Quarters from 6 to 8 p.m.

Culture is not a Costume

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By Dorah Labatte

“My Culture is not a Costume” campaign by the Department of Cultural and Global Engagement will be hosting a kickoff event Monday, Oct. 16 at 6 p.m. in SC120. The event is an open discussion with students, faculty and staff to talk about Halloween costumes that appropriate different cultures.






Image from Google Maps

Image from Google Maps

Construction on Merritt Parkway

By Katherine Koretski

Motorists will continue to experience delays while traveling on the Merritt Parkway in Connecticut this week. The Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) is hosting an event on Tuesday Oct. 17 to discuss the Route-7 project. The plans are to improve safety, and overall access for users. Each roadway redesign has been put under environmental scoping and screening, according to Connecticut DOT. Scoping is the first part of the process required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Tuesday’s public scoping meeting will take place in the Norwalk City Hall Auditorium, 125 East Ave. Drop-in times are between 4 to 8 p.m., and the meeting will be an open house format with informational presentations at 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Photo by Camila Costa

Photo by Camila Costa

Trump chooses new secretary

By Katherine Koretski

President Trump has chosen Kirstjen Nielsen for his pick to be the next secretary for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Nielsen served as General John Kelly’s chief of staff at the DHS, as well as worked as a member of the Resilience Task Force of the Center for Cyber & Homeland Security think tank.  Nielsen joined the White House team in September shortly after Trump named Kelly as DHS Secretary. President Trump announced his pick for the position on Wednesday Oct. 11 at the White House.

“I promised that my highest priority would be to secure America’s homeland. I pledged to protect our country from the many threats we face from all around the world, to keep our people safe and secure at home, and to give our full support to the men and women of law enforcement,” Trump explained in a statement released by the White House.

DHS was formed in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks, according to NBC News. Its purpose was to bring multiple agencies into one place. Nielsen’s final decision will go to the Senate for final confirmation.

adidas remains silent in communications with Quinnipiac

By Ryan Chichester

The adidas brand can be seen scattered around most college campuses, its three-tiered triangle logo carrying a sense of prideful omnipresence. The company saw an 18-percent increase in sales in 2016 as it continues to be a pillar in the sports equipment industry, embracing their motivating slogan “Impossible is nothing.”

Photo by Jenelle Cadigan

Photo by Jenelle Cadigan

Most were shocked to hear the adidas name dragged through a groundbreaking controversy as news broke in early October about deals with multiple prominent schools that were being investigated by the FBI. National powerhouses like Louisville, USC and Miami reportedly accepted thousands of dollars from adidas to sign certain coveted recruits, which has resulted in a major shakeup in the college basketball world, and more dark corners of the sport figure to be exposed as the investigation rages on.

The national saga also has the potential to hit close to home for students and athletes at Quinnipiac University.

Quinnipiac recently announced a partnership with adidas, and teams began sporting the logo in July. The current partnership is expected to last through the 2023-2024 season.

“adidas has a phenomenal reputation and a long history of providing an excellent product to college and professional teams,” Quinnipiac director of athletics Greg Amodio said back when the partnership was first announced.

Photo by Jenelle Cadigan

Photo by Jenelle Cadigan

However, the reputation of adidas has taken a massive hit due to the recent scandal, and leaves the company’s relationship with Quinnipiac in question. How is the school handling the massive blemish on its new athletic apparel provider? Could the adidas logo next to the cursive Q turn from a badge of honor to a scarlet letter?

According to school officials, the shockwaves of the national scandal don’t reverberate onto Quinnipiac campuses, and there has been no contact from the company since arrests were made.

“I haven’t heard anything,” Associate Athletic Director Ken Sweeten said of any contact with Adidas since the scandal hit social media two weeks ago. “The Athletic Director hasn’t heard anything. I haven’t received any statement from adidas. If we haven’t by now, I don’t think we will.”

Photo by Jenelle Cadigan

Photo by Jenelle Cadigan

Sweeten’s sentiments are echoed elsewhere on campus, particularly in the Office of Residential Life, where student Resident Assistants (RAs) are now also sporting the adidas logo on their uniforms, although some students have taken to using their name tags as a mask to cover the iconic logo on their chest.

“I have not heard any comments or seen any change in attitude from RAs regarding the adidas logo on their staff shirts.” Director of Residential Life Mark DeVilbiss said.

Players haven’t noticed any change either, aside from a slight annoyance of having to store away all of their previous non-adidas gear that is now off limits when it comes to any Quinnipiac-related activities.

Quinnipiac is on a much smaller scale than schools like Kansas and Louisville in terms of academic prominence, but even many of those schools like have not heard from the company, or the FBI.

“I think that’s probably a good thing.” Sweeten said about the silence from the adidas offices.

While there seems to be a lack of concern on campus, men’s basketball head coach Baker Dunleavy acknowledges the magnitude of the situation.

“It’s an earth-shattering investigation,” Dunleavy said. “It’s one of those things that make you focus on yourself even more. You have to make sure your own house is good, and you’re doing things the right way, and compliantly.”

adidas did issue a brief statement shortly after the news broke, saying they were “unaware of any misconduct and will fully cooperate with any authorities.” The lack of conduct with the school is seen as sign of business as usual for Quinnipiac, although it is clear the early stages of the partnership are off to an interesting start.