A post on Facebook by UFCW Local 371 announcing that an agreement has been reached.
After an 11 day strike, Stop & Shop and local unions have reached tentative three-year agreements that will end the labor dispute.
“We are very pleased to announce Stop & Shop has reached fair new tentative agreements with UFCW Locals 328, 371, 919, 1445 and 1459, which represent our 31,000 associates in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island,” the Stop & Shop statement said, “We’re also glad to have our associates return to work as the strike has ended.”
The statement also includes some details of what is included in the agreement including increased pay.
“The tenative three-year agreements, which are subject to ratification votes by members of each of the union locals, include:
Increased pay for all associates;
Continued excellent health coverage for eligible associates; and
Ongoing defined benefit pension benefits for all eligible associates.”

Stop & Shops official update located on its labor page.
The United Food and Commercial Workers Union also released a statement regarding the agreements.
“Under this proposed contract, our members will be able to focus on continuing to help customers in our communities enjoy the best shopping experience possible and to keep Stop & Shop the number one grocery store in New England,” it said. “The agreement preserves health care and retirement benefits, provides wage increases, and maintains time-and-a-half pay on Sunday for current members.”
UFCW Local 371 posted news about the negotiation on its Facebook page informing workers of the agreement and announcing information on the next steps.
“Members, as of minutes ago, we have reached a tentative agreement with Stop & Shop. For the time being, all department managers and regularly scheduled daytime full-time should report to their store at 7:30 a.m. Monday,” the post said. “For all additional full- and part-time members, you should receive a phone call from your store no later than 12pm tomorrow to get your schedule for the week. If you do not receive a call, please call your store for your schedule.”
Strikers will also receive some money for their efforts according to the post.
“Monetary benefits from the strike fund will still be coming soon for those who were on the lines,” the post stated.
In order to get back on track, Stop & Shop says it will focus on restocking its stores.
“Our associates’ top priority will be restocking our stores so we can return to taking care of our customers and communities and providing them with the service they deserve,” the statement said. “We deeply appreciate the patience and understanding of our customers during this time, and we look forward to welcoming them back to Stop & Shop.”
Union members are urged to attend their local ratification meetings in order to receive full details on the agreements.
“We strongly encourage you to attend your Local’s contract ratification meeting for a complete and detailed report of what is in the contract,” the UFCW Local 371 said. “We will send you immediate notices of when and where your Local’s meeting will be.”
The post ended with a thank you to all of those involved for their efforts.
“The message you sent by collectively standing up for yourselves, your families, and for good jobs, has resonated not only with the company, but all of America,” it read. “Thank you for everything that you’ve done.”