COVID-19 Latest Quinnipiac

Quinnipiac goes from green alert level to yellow; preventative measures in place

After weeks of low positivity rates and case numbers, Quinnipiac University will enter a yellow alert level following a spike in cases last week. David Hill, senior medical adviser of Quinnipiac University’s COVID-19 task force, addressed the change from green to yellow alert level in his weekly press briefing on April 9. Green alert level…

COVID-19 Hamden Latest Quinnipiac

Connecticut college students are now eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine, but not everyone is considering getting it.

On April 1, college students in Connecticut became eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Since eligibility opened up, some Quinnipiac University students have been getting the vaccine, some have tried to schedule appointments to get their first dose in the near future and others are not as interested in getting it.  Emma Atkinson, 20, senior…

Connecticut COVID-19 Hamden Latest Quinnipiac Special Projects

Passing the Time: How hobbies are getting people through a pandemic

People of Hamden talk about their hobbies and passions during COVID-19.

Connecticut COVID-19 Hamden Quinnipiac

A welfare check within Quinnipiac’s community leads to a common theme: Exhaustion

By Matthew Bruin and Samantha McCleery Quinnipiac University’s spring 2021 semester has included weekly testing and athletic tournament cancellations with an exclusion of spring break. Although administrators have been doing what they can to keep the Quinnipiac and Hamden communities safe, mental health and exhaustion are affecting many athletes, coaches, students and faculty. With the…

Connecticut COVID-19 Special Projects

Nightlife on hold: The impact of COVID-19 on New Haven clubs and restaurants

New Haven used to be a hot spot for people looking for fun on the weekends with its bars, clubs and restaurants serving as popular party scenes. COVID-19 has challenged these nightlife businesses financially, forcing many to rework their business atmosphere, close temporarily, or close completely.

Connecticut COVID-19 Special Projects

Children experience behavioral changes after COVID-19 takes away youth sports

Southern Connecticut families share similar stories of how losing youth sports negatively impacted their kids’ social skills, emotions and behavior at home.

Connecticut COVID-19 Hamden Quinnipiac

Where to get a COVID-19 vaccine in Hamden

Connecticut COVID-19 Hamden Latest Special Projects

One year later: how COVID-19 has changed Hamden’s small businesses

As the one year mark of the COVID-19 lockdown has passed, regular operation for small businesses has been nearly impossible. From laying off employees to cutting back on expenses, small businesses have had to deal with it all.

Connecticut COVID-19 Hamden Latest Quinnipiac

After going virtual for a year, Quinnipiac’s QTHON and Big Event are back in-person

QTHON and The Big Event are two of the biggest events — focused on giving back to the community — of the year for Quinnipiac students. When the pandemic hit, the university felt the impact as the events were forced to go virtual. This year, both of the events were able to rework their typical…

COVID-19 Hamden Latest Quinnipiac

Weekly testing continues with more in-person activities available on Quinnipiac’s campus

As a way to maintain the spread of COVID-19 on campus, weekly testing will continue to be a requirement for all Quinnipiac University undergraduate students for the remainder of the spring semester, according to an email sent on March 25 by Dr. David Hill, senior medical adviser of the COVID-19 task force.  “I think it…