Food Hamden Local Business Local Events

How Hamden’s Keefe Community Center keeps gift-giving during the holidays

In towns all across America, community centers and shelters look to provide food and care resources to their residents in need. In the town of Hamden, one of the most prominent is the Keefe Community Center, located on Pine Street. According to the Hamden website, the center’s mission is to “enhance the quality of life…

Connecticut Food Hamden

High turkey prices won’t impact Thanksgiving dinners

Food prices may be higher this year, but that’s not stopping Connecticut residents preparing for their big dinner on Thanksgiving.  As of Sept. 3, the cost of a Grade A, 8-16 pound whole turkey cost $1.72 per pound compared to last year’s price of $1.44 per pound, according to a United States Department of Agriculture…

Connecticut Hamden Latest Quinnipiac

Indigenous Peoples’ Day: Hamden-Quinnipiac ongoing reckoning

Indigenous Peoples’ Week is a considerable opportunity for Quinnipiac University and the Hamden communities to acknowledge the stolen land they inhabit.